Chapter 131
Chi Sangsang entered the VIP channel with her suitcase to board the plane. Before boarding the plane, she looked back at the busy waiting hall, trying to find the person here, but unfortunately she found nothing. Passengers came one after another, and she withdrew her gaze resolutely. Determined to board the plane.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to take flight xx of airline xx of country x to France (landing midway), flight distance xxx," the estimated flight time is x hours x minutes, flight altitude xx. The average flight speed is xx per hour. km, in order to ensure the normal operation of the aircraft navigation system, please do not use laptop computers during takeoff and landing, and please do not use electronic devices such as phones, remote-controlled toy game consoles, and audio receivers during the entire flight..."

Along with the takeoff announcement on the plane, Chi Sangsang turned on the airplane mode on her mobile phone, leaned on her chair and looked at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window of the plane. She pulled down her blindfold and closed her eyes, memories of the past flashing through her mind.

Regret?How can you not regret it?
She almost touched the stars, but then it was dawn and the ladder was not stable and she fell down. Then she didn't even have the courage to look up at the stars.

hate it?not at all.

There is neither love nor hatred between them.

She just fell in love with someone she couldn't love, fell in love with someone she couldn't like, and longed for a future that didn't belong to her and him at that prime age.

She wanted to unite because of misunderstanding and separate because of understanding. This sentence probably suited them very well. She blamed them for being too young and reckless, and always stumbled on the way to pursue love, but they could only stop here.

At the same time, Jiang Jinci, who had fallen into a drowsy state, seemed to feel something. He suddenly woke up from his dream and hurried downstairs to go out. Lu Chi and Yu Che downstairs had been guarding downstairs since Chi Sangsang arrived. When I saw him going downstairs, I immediately stood up and wanted to help him.

"Brother Jin, you're awake, why did you come down suddenly?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jinci just glanced at the arm being held by Lu Chi, frowned, and with a deep look in his eyes, he was about to reach out and put his hand away, "Let go."

Lu Chi retracted his hand in embarrassment, then reached out to pull his sleeve after a moment.

Jiang Jinci's eyelids twitched uncontrollably, and he brushed away the hand that fell on his sleeve unceremoniously. Yu Che, who was watching the sweat on his forehead, walked aside and took out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Jiang Jinci frowned while looking at the tissue in his hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Has she... been here?"

Lu Chi and Yu Che looked at each other, thinking of Chi Sangsang's instructions before leaving, and said without changing their expressions, "No, Brother Jin, if you don't let us tell my sister-in-law, how can we dare to make any arbitrary decisions."

Jiang Jinci stared at the two of them for a moment, and when he saw that they didn't look like they were lying, he withdrew his gaze. Maybe he was thinking differently. He must have been confused because of the fever. Otherwise, how could he have seen her coming? That's right, he was only dreaming now. Only then would she coax him, "Well, that's good, I'll go out."

He coughed twice as soon as he finished speaking, and his already pale face became even paler now. How could Yu Che and Lu Chi dare to let him go out alone at this time? They supported him and walked upstairs: "Brother Jin, are you still alive?" As for your illness, I know you want to see your sister-in-law, but there is no need to rush."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jinci ignored the two people's objections and walked out to avoid their movements. Her steps were a little messy. "Get off, I'll go take a look, otherwise... don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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