Chapter 133 Rescue
After Lu Chi and the others left, he couldn't let go thinking about Jiang Jinci's situation, so he decided to ask Song Xiyao to see if he could get some information.

It seemed that he had saved her phone number before, but he was not sure. He looked through the address book and found it.

Yu Che looked at his unabashed actions, touched his chin and raised his eyebrows, "Oh, there's also the girl's phone number. Are you planning to rekindle an old relationship?"

Lu Chi glanced at him and turned around to dial the phone, "Gun, do you think I dare you while you're here?"

"Well, I like to hear that." Yu Che gently tugged and Lu Chi was caught off guard and pulled into his arms.

Lu Chi glared at him and bumped him with his elbow. Yu Che smiled and bent down to bury himself in his neck.

"Shh, phone."

After he reminded Lu Chi, he realized that the call had been connected. He briefly explained his purpose, but there was silence on the other side.

"Xiyao, can you please tell me where my sister-in-law is? Brother Jin is not in a good state right now. I'm afraid of him..."

"Oh, actually I don't know, Sangsang went abroad to study." Song Xiyao said half of it and left the other half.

"Okay, thank you for today's business. We'll treat you to dinner when you have time."

They arrived at Jiang's house early the next morning and met Jiang Tingshen and Li Huan who were having dinner.

"Uncle Jiang, good morning Aunt Li."

Li Huan put down the tableware in his hand and wiped his mouth, smiled and waved to them, "Are you two here to eat so early?"

The two looked at each other, walked to her and stood in front of her and said, "I've eaten."

"Looking for small words?"

The two nodded.

Li Huansi was not surprised at all, and pointed upstairs, "He is upstairs, you go up."

When the two of them were standing at Jiang Jin Cifang's door, hesitating whether to knock on the door, the door was suddenly opened from the inside.Jiang Jinci frowned slightly as she looked at Yu Che's hand that was suspended in mid-air. She reached out to smooth her hair and turned to walk into the room. "Why are you here? Come in."

Yu Che calmly took back his hand and led Lu Chi through the door. Lu Chi was stunned by the question and blurted out without thinking, "Ha, Brother Jin, it's okay, we were just passing by, passing by."

As soon as Lu Chifu finished speaking, the room suddenly fell into silence.

Jiang Jinci leaned against the window, smoked a cigarette, held it in his hand and raised his eyebrows, "Passing by my door?"

Lu Chi also felt that he had said something stupid and smiled awkwardly, "That's not true."

Jiang Jinci said nothing and knocked on the desk beside him casually with his other hand.

Lu Chi's eyelids twitched as he watched his movements and he thought for a moment, "That's right, how should I say it? Forget it, Yu Che, you tell me."

Yu Che was pushed out unexpectedly, and he pinched his eyebrows helplessly when he thought about the information the two of them had checked out last night. "Brother Jin, we have found out the information about my sister-in-law. She may be in France now."

Jiang Jinci paused to light up the cigarette, then turned the lighter in her hand and turned it twice in her hand, "Yeah."

Seeing his calm reaction, Lu Chi couldn't help but put his whole body on Yu Che's back and reminded him, "Brother Jin, my sister-in-law is in France."

The lighter spun twice in the air before he took it back into his hand. Hearing Lu Chi's words, he glanced at him lightly, "That's the second time."

"Brother Jin, my sister-in-law is in France!"

"so what?"

Facing his rhetorical question, Lu Chi was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why he asked, "Go and get her back."

After saying this, Jiang Jin smiled solemnly, and the smile was quite sad, "You don't understand her, and you overestimate my status in her heart."

(End of this chapter)

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