she is sweet and cute

Chapter 145 Alarm

Chapter 145 Alarm
Suddenly, the girl on the ground touched a stone from nowhere, and hit the man on the back of the neck with force. After hearing a scream, the girl pushed away the person on her body, stood up, and stumbled out of the alley.

The girl was disheveled at this time, and the exposed skin on her body was also covered in bruises and bruises. Chi Sangsang quickly took off his coat and put it on her body. In the blink of an eye, the man had already come out of the alley holding his bleeding neck. He saw the girl next to him. Chi Sangsang's eyes suddenly brightened up. Chi Sangsang didn't dare to waste a second and pulled her out in a hurry.

The man behind him kept chasing. Chi Sangsang was sweating profusely as he pulled the girl away. At this moment, an uncontrollable thought emerged in his heart: It would be great if Jiang Jinci was here, she would not be so embarrassed.

Realizing what he had just thought, Chi Sangsang shook his head, trying to expel this inappropriate thought from his mind.

Jiang Jinci was afraid that she would find out and didn't dare to follow her too closely. Later, he found that she had entered an alley and could only wait silently. After waiting for several minutes, no one came out. He felt a little uneasy, so he dropped the car and ran over by himself. .

As he got closer, he realized that the little girl was only wearing a vest and was running outside with a girl wearing her coat.

Jiang Jinci frowned, ran over and took off his coat and put it on her shoulders, gently wiping the sweat on her forehead and looking at her, "What happened? How did it happen like this."

The moment Chi Sangsang saw her, he felt surprisingly calm. He panicked slightly and tried to smile, "Here you are, someone was committing a crime and I caught him. He is chasing me."

Jiang Jinci quickly took her into his arms and leaned against her. He glanced at the girl she was holding, raised his eyes to the man who ran in front of him and said lightly, "Is it him?"

Chi Sangsang straightened up from his arms and smiled unnaturally, "Well, I'm sorry, it's me who has caused trouble for you today."

"If you don't want to get involved, call the police. I'll take care of it here."

"it is good."

Hearing what he said, Chi Sangsang felt relieved and quickly called the police while he was cleaning up the people.

The police arrived very quickly. Because she was also involved, they had to follow the girl to the police station to record the incident. Jiang Jinci followed her throughout the process.

After finishing the transcript, it was almost early in the morning. Chi Sangsang came out of the room and saw Jiang Jinci sitting on a chair in the corridor of the police station. At this time, he was lazily sleeping on the chair.

Chi Sangsang walked over and saw the scratches on his finger joints. After thinking for a moment, she went to borrow a bottle of potion, sat next to him and scratched him.

Jiang Jinci woke up as soon as she sat down. While Chi Sangsang was applying the medicine, she always felt like she was being stared at. She raised her head and ran into his eyes.

Jiang Jinci tilted his head slightly and smiled. Seeing his appearance, Chi Sangsang pressed hard on his wound.

The man who was smiling twitched his lips and said, "Hiss, Sangsang, if my hands become disabled, you will have to pay me for it."

"Not serious. Thank you very much for today." Chi Sangsang glanced at him, leaned over and blew on his wound. After blowing, he froze.

Not only her, but Jiang Jinci was also blown away by her blow. "Why are you being polite to me? Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I would be the one crying today."

"Ms. Zhang is going to sue. She wants to ask your opinion. After all, you are more professional than me in this regard."

"What's the charge? Shoulder snatching?"

"Probably so."

Jiang Jinci put away her smile and spoke in a harsh tone, "If there is a prosecution, you will have to appear in court as a witness. Do you know this?"

"You know, I am willing to testify in court."

(End of this chapter)

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