Chapter 15

next day
As soon as Chi Sangsang arrived in the classroom, the chatter in the class stopped immediately. She was confused and based on the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, she calmly took out the physics competition question that Lao Yu gave her yesterday and started working on it.

However, Song Xiyao became anxious when she saw her calm look, "Sang Sang, you still don't know what happened today, do you?"

"Well, is there any problem?" Chi Sangsang asked without raising his head.

"Tsk, it's nothing serious. I just heard that Senior Jiang, a senior in high school, lost his temper at a girl for the first time today."

Song Xiyao observed her reaction as she spoke. Chi Sangsang's face was as steady as a mountain and she didn't say anything, but she still paused with the pen in her hand. Although the movement was very small, Song Xiyao still noticed it.

"Okay, stop pretending, I don't know you yet. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Chi Sangsang thought about it and felt that it was not feasible. There were already rumors about their affair in the school, so she would only cause trouble if she went there.

"Forget it, studying makes me happy."

But Chi Sangsang never expected that Jiang Jinci and his party would arrive in the afternoon, followed by Qin Yan.

Before she could understand the situation, Qin Yan had already walked up to her and said, "Chi Sangsang, I'm sorry."

Although he was clearly apologizing, his tone and posture were still condescending, as if he was giving alms.

Others didn't know why Qin Yan apologized, but Chi Sangsang knew it in her heart, but she didn't intend to accept it. "I'm sorry, I accept your apology, but I'm not ready to forgive."

Qin Yan was so angry that her teeth itched, but she had no choice but to look at Jiang Jinci on the side, hoping that he could stand up and help her.

Jiang Jinci did stand up from one side, but he didn't help her. What he said was even more ruthless, "Look at what I do. I cover her, and her attitude is my attitude."

These words were equivalent to stating his position and officially kicking Qin Yan out of their class circle.

Chi Sangsang was not the kind of person who was unreasonable, but Qin Yan's attitude made her, who was always good-tempered, make an exception.Just make it clear and let everyone understand.

"Senior sister, you are older than me and should understand better than me. Sometimes what ruins a person is the words he blurts out without thinking. Moreover, I have explained to you repeatedly that senior and I are just friends. Since you like it, then Go after it without warning me.”

Seeing that she had exposed her thoughts so easily, Qin Yan felt unwilling. Her eyes immediately turned red and she couldn't shed tears. Looking at Jiang Jinci, any man would feel distressed.

But Jiang Jinci just glanced at her with disgust and said calmly, "Classmate Qin, I'm not interested in you, and please don't bother her again in the future."


"Sorry, Classmate Qin, we are not familiar with each other. Please just call me by my name."

"Jiang Jinci, you are partial."

"Oh, I'm here to support the children, not to reason." After Jiang Jinci said this, he pulled Chi Sangsang and left.

Qin Yan looked at the group of people leaving and stamped her feet, "Chi Sangsang, just wait."

And here

"Senior, I can actually handle it myself. Besides, I'm leaving soon."

"Yeah. But I can't stand others bullying you." Jiang Jinci glanced at the little girl who was about to reach her nose, and her tone was quite serious.

"Senior, actually I'm going to S University to report in a few days, are you?" Chi Sangsang wanted to ask him if he would come with us, but felt that this was not good, so he swallowed the rest of his words.

"I know, I'll see you off when the time comes. Wait for me." Jiang Jinci never told the little girl that he was also escorted and would leave on the same day as her.

(End of this chapter)

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