she is sweet and cute

Chapter 151 Rumors

Chapter 151 Rumors
After going around in circles, the two came to each other again.

After Chi Sangsang left the law firm that day, everyone found that Jiang Lu was in an unusually good mood. For a long time after that, they could see Jiang Lu, whom they called a "workaholic", leaving early.

When Jiang Jinci got on the elevator, people outside the office smiled knowingly.

"Jiang Lu is in a good mood these days."

"Didn't you notice? Ever since that young lady came that day, Jiang Lu has left early every day. Assistant Tang said that sometimes when he goes in to report on work, he can still see Jiang Lu smiling stupidly."

"Tsk, Jiang Lu is serious about dating."

"Do you know who the young lady who came that day was?"


"Say it quickly, don't hold your breath."

The man looked around and whispered, "That's Miss Chi. I heard that she and Jiang Lu were about to get engaged."

"Hey, no wonder, so Jiang Lu and Miss Chi are rekindling their old relationship."

"It's incredible, we have learned some shocking secret."


After the two got back together, they went out to watch movies and date from time to time, but they didn't avoid people much. Gossip always spreads quickly in this circle, and the news that the two got back together somehow reached the ears of the two elders.

That day, Chi Sangsang received a call from Chi Yuan as soon as she got off the operating table. Chi Sangsang tilted her head, put the phone on her shoulder, took off her gloves and washed her hands, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Get off work soon."

"Well, I'm not busy today, so I should be able to go back early."

"Okay, we're eating out today. You can come directly to Lanyuan after work." Chi Sangsang didn't think much about it and went to Lanyuan happily after work. Until she opened the box door and saw the people sitting inside, she quickly clicked He closed the door and patted his chest. He must be dreaming, otherwise how could he see Chiyuan Yuyao and Aunt Huan Jiang Uncle sitting together.

However, before anyone outside could react, Chi Sangsang heard Chi Yuan's deep voice coming from the box, "Sangsang, come in."

Taking a deep breath, Chi Sangsang opened the box door again. It was good. Aunt Huan and Uncle Jiang were still there, and she was not dreaming.

Chi Sangsang squeezed her palms and tried to smile, "Uncle Jiang, Aunt Huan."

Li Huan nodded, "Are you tired? Sit down and drink a glass of water first."

Chi Sangsang responded with a smile and raised her eyes to look at Chi Yuan. Seeing that he had no reaction, she felt relieved and sat down next to Yu Yao.

"After all these years, Sangsang is beautiful again. Has she got a boyfriend?"

Chi Sangsang heard Li Huan's question just after taking a sip of water. She was caught off guard and startled, "Ahem, cough, cough."

Chi Yuan sneered, "Humph, our Sangsang is still young, so we are not in a hurry. I heard that your boy has been in trouble recently. He must be the one from the Xiao family."

"Lao Chi, you are really joking. The Xiao family has severed ties with us long ago. As for Xiao Ci, you also know that I have liked Sangsang before. This so-called situation is probably between my boy and..." your daughter.

Jiang Ting stopped talking deeply and looked at Chi Sangsang aside. The meaning was self-evident. Seeing that Chi Yuan was about to get angry, Chi Sangsang stood up and walked out, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom."

Chi Sangsang didn't go to the bathroom. She just didn't know what to do. It seemed that his parents already knew about the two of them. At this moment, she was standing at the end of the corridor and thought about what Jiang Jinci said to her that day, "I like you." Everything depends on me, so that I feel that I am useful.”

Tsk. After thinking for a moment, Chi Sangsang took out her mobile phone and found a familiar number to dial. "Mr. Jiang, if you don't come here, you will be single."

Outside the window, the lights were bright, and the sudden traffic jam made him feel even more irritated. He bent his broken hand and knocked on the window regularly. An unexpected bell rang in the car. When he saw the note, his cold cheeks suddenly softened. , he picked up the phone and said in a soft tone, "Be good, I'll be here soon, wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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