Chapter 17

"In a blink of an eye, you are all so old. I remember when your Aunt Jiang and I arranged a baby wedding for you and Jin Ci." Yu Yao smiled and shook her head.

"Huh, don't tell me. I won't mention it when I kissed you and you regretted it. But later I wanted to accept Sangsang as my good daughter and you still refused to agree. It hurt my heart for a while." Li Huanyi I couldn't help but feel heartache when I heard her talk about this, (of course I was pretending)

Yu Yao touched her nose a little guiltily when she mentioned this, "Isn't it that Sang Sang is still young? Besides, it's not too late for you to admit it now. As long as Sang Sang agrees, Lao Chi and I have no objection."

"You are a poor person. You didn't agree with it at the time, but now you are generous? I don't admit it anymore. You will come into my house sooner or later anyway."

Li Huan's voice became softer as he spoke, and not even Chi Sangsang heard the last sentence except Jiang Jinci who was close to her.

Yu Yao didn't hear what her best friend said behind her, she picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea, and said slowly, "Here, I'm giving you a chance. You don't want it, so don't rely on me."

Li Huan raised the corners of his lips, patted Chi Sangsang's hand, and turned sideways to Jiang Jinci, "As for you, I didn't recognize Sangsang as your god-sister. Do you have any complaints?"

"Don't complain, that's good. There will always be a chance to be a family in the future." Jiang Jinci looked deeply at the little girl opposite, with a look that she was destined to win.

Unfortunately, Yu Yao and Chi Sangsang, who had always been doted on by Chi's father, were very naive and did not hear the deep meaning of the mother and son's words.

A group of people were chatting and it was noon. The two bosses who were working vigorously outside consciously entered the kitchen and took over the responsibility of cooking. At this time, the two sisters Yu Yao and Li Huan were sitting on the sofa watching TV dramas together. Ask why, asking is the power of love.

Li Huan knew what his son was thinking. Seeing him sitting calmly on the sofa with the three of them watching TV, he sighed silently and thought to himself: If this continues, when will he be able to abduct his daughter-in-law home? It seems that it is still possible. Take action yourself.

"Jin Ci, dinner will take a while. You take Sang Sang to the garden at the back. Didn't your dad just transplant some new varieties of roses from abroad a few days ago? Take Sang Sang to see them. Little girls should like flowers.”

"Okay." Jiang Jinci agreed very cooperatively.Stand up and wait for Chi Sangsang.

At this time, Chi Sangsang was addicted to the TV series and couldn't help herself, until her mother clicked on her and followed Jiang Jinci out in a daze.

Li Huan looked at the backs of the two children walking together and felt that they were a perfect match.

She could already imagine what her future granddaughter would look like, and she couldn't help laughing at this thought, which startled Yu Yao next to her.

"Hey, why are you laughing at the door?"

"Don't you think these two kids are a perfect match?" Li Huan blurted out subconsciously, then regretted it and silently prayed that Yu Yao didn't hear it.

However, that was impossible. Yu Yao did hear it, but she simply thought that her good sisters were praising her daughter. She looked at her happily, "That's natural. You don't even know who gave birth to her. My genes can Wrong?"

Li Huan knew that she didn't hear the other meaning, and finally let go of her hanging heart, "Yes, you can't be wrong when you are born." Of course, it would be better to combine them.She added silently in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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