Chapter 19
After the two families finished eating, while Chi Sangsang went to the bathroom, Li Huan pulled Jiang Jinci aside and quietly glanced into the living room. When no one was paying attention, he took out the diamond hairpin he had just taken out of the room. Hand it to him.

"Well, this is what your grandma gave me when your father and I were engaged. It can be regarded as a token of love. Today is just the right day. Give this to Sangsang. Do you hear me?"

Jiang Jinci smiled bitterly when she saw the hairpin lying in her hand, "Mom, when did you know?"

Li Huan glanced at him, "Huh, you're not looking down on me. How can I still be your mother? I can guess almost exactly what my son is thinking. I haven't seen such a precious girl like you since I was a child."

"Yes, you understand me best. You are so anxious even before I have even written these characters." Jiang Jinci carefully put the things into his pocket.

"Tsk~ What do you know? If you don't say anything, I'll go over first."

"Oh, I see."

Not long after Li Huan left, Chi Sangsang came out of the bathroom and met Jiang Jinci waiting for her at the stairs.

Because he had just washed his hands, Chi Sangsang was holding a tissue in his hand to wipe his hands. When he saw Jiang Jinci paused slightly, water droplets fell on the ground along his fingertips. "Senior, do you want to go to the bathroom too?"

Jiang Jinci walked up to her and took out the tissue from his pocket, gently held her wrist, wiped the water from her hand and then let go. The whole process was very natural, "No, I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me? What's the matter?" Chi Sangsang touched the wrist he just touched uncomfortably.

"Well, this is for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a diamond hairpin in Jiang Jinci's hand. It was obvious at a glance that it was worth a lot of money. Chi Sangsang was immediately flattered and quickly refused, "Senior, this is too valuable. I can't accept it."

"Take it, or can I put it on for you?" Jiang Jinci said and was about to put it on for her. Chi Sangsang quickly tightened the hairpin in her hand.

"Senior, I'll take it, I'll take it."

"Yeah." At this time, Chi Sangsang didn't know what this hairpin represented, but Jiang Jinci felt like a mirror in her heart. Her mother asked her to give this to the little girl, which was her recognition and love for the little girl.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinci, who never liked to laugh, smiled. Although it was not obvious, Chi Sangsang noticed, "Senior, what are you laughing at?"

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci immediately suppressed the smile on her lips, "It's nothing, that hairpin."

"I know, I will take good care of it."


When the two of them arrived in the living room, Yu Yao and Li Huan were thinking about where to go to play in the afternoon. After looking at the two children for a while, the two women looked at each other and smiled, and hit it off: "Let's go shopping."

So after Yu Yao Li Huan reported to her husband, Jiang Jinci drove them to a nearby high-end shopping mall without even asking for a driver.

As they came down, Yu Yao and Li Huan didn't buy anything. Instead, they bought a bunch of clothes for Chi Sangsang. Jiang Jinci didn't have any share in it. Later, Li Huan happened to see this when choosing clothes for the little girl. It was a couple outfit, so I bought it without saying anything.How should I put it - my biological mother is undoubtedly my mother.

In the end, Jiang Jinci acted as a tool, carrying bags - of course more than one.This made Chi Sangsang feel embarrassed. She stretched out her hand to help him, but he dodged it.

"Senior, let me help you so that you can feel more relaxed."

"No, this is what I should do, just get used to it in advance."

"I didn't expect Aunt Jiang to buy me so many clothes." Chi Sangsang looked at the pile of her own clothes in his hand and twisted her fingers in embarrassment.

Jiang Jinci looked at Li Huan who was walking in front and then at the little girl next to him, and smiled, "I can see that she still likes you very much after all these years." So do I.

(End of this chapter)

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