Chapter 2 Name
Jiang Jinci was slightly distracted looking at the dimples on the little girl's face. He had always known that the little girl was beautiful, but he never thought that she would be even more graceful now, especially those big, watery eyes that seemed to be hiding stars. striking.


"Huh?" Jiang Jinci came back to his senses and found that the little girl had been staring at him. When he realized that he had just been staring at the little girl, his ears turned slightly red.But he was so serious that others couldn't see it.

"Little classmate, you are incompetent."

"Huh? Senior, what are you talking about?" Chi Sangsang blinked and decided to pretend to be confused until the end.

"Ha, do you really not know? My little classmate, you are not good!" Jiang Jinci bent down slightly with a smile in his eyes.

"Um, senior, I'm sorry, you sir have a lot of knowledge. Don't be ignorant of me. I will definitely not make or spread rumors in the future. I understand that our relationship is a pure relationship between classmates, which is more real than gold. I will go back and clarify.

"It seems that I still don't understand. Is this how you call the 'scandal target'?"

"." Chi Sangsang lowered his head and twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth when he heard the boy's question. When he looked up again, his signature fake smile was already on his face.

"Senior, you listen to my quibbles, no, listen to my explanation."

Jiang Jinci raised his eyebrows and motioned for her to continue, which clearly meant: Make it up, I will just watch you make it up quietly.Chi Sangsang is so embarrassed.
"Senior, don't you think it's good to be like this now? Although I took advantage of the senior first, I also indirectly helped the senior to block his love. It's mutually beneficial!"

"Oh? Then I still want to thank you?"

"That's not necessary. It's fine if senior doesn't blame me." Chi Sangsang smiled slyly.

"You want me to forgive you? Well, just call me brother and I won't care, eh?"

Chi Sangsang watched Jiang Jinci getting closer and closer, and then looked at the teasing look in Jiang Jinci's eyes. No matter how slow her reaction was, she knew that this person was teasing her. He was not angry at all and was deliberately teasing her.My worries were relieved and I became more courageous.

"Senior, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. Since the senior asks, the junior sister can't refuse, brother."

"Forget it, I'll write off the matter of your treat at noon tomorrow." Jiang Jin interrupted the girl without waiting for her to call out 'brother'. She secretly thought that she was looking for trouble for herself, and once again stated her request, without waiting for the girl. He answered and left in a hurry,
"Okay, senior, I'll wait for you." Chi Sangsang responded towards Jiang Jinci's leaving figure. Jiang Jinci's figure was slightly dull, and he glanced at Lu Chi and Yu Che who were following him. The people followed and left leisurely.


"Sang Sang, why is Senior Jiang looking for you?" Seeing Jiang Jinci and the others leaving, Song Xiyao hurriedly came over and pulled Chi Sangsang to ask about the situation.

"It's okay, I just came over to have a dinner date."

"Ah, making a dinner date? This is not like what Senior Jiang would do." Song Xiyao couldn't help but worry about the little sister when she saw that she didn't care.

"Don't worry, it's really just a meal. Yaoyao, I may not be able to have dinner with you at noon tomorrow. Is it okay for you?"

"No problem, but you should be careful and don't count the money for others when you are sold."

Chi Sangsang listened as her words became more and more outrageous, and interrupted at the right time: "Yao Yao, I know everything you said. Don't worry, it's really not as complicated as you think."

"Okay, let's go over there." After saying this, Song Xiyao took Chi Sangsang and left.

(End of this chapter)

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