she is sweet and cute

Chapter 30 Accident

Chapter 30 Accident
After that day, Chi Sangsang returned to S University and quickly forgot about the incident. Unexpectedly, the incident happened three days later on Saturday.

That day, Chi Sangsang got up early to clean up because she had made an appointment with Song Xiyao in advance and was afraid that she would wait too long.

Chi Sangsang sent a message to Song Xiyao while walking out of the dormitory building.

Little Sangpao: Yaoyao, are you here?
Xixi: It’s almost there, there are still a few minutes.

Little Mulberry: Okay, I'll wait for you on the roadside outside the school.

Xixi:Okay, I'll be there soon.

At this time, because it happened to be the weekend and it was morning, there were relatively few people inside and outside the school. The weather was getting colder. Chi Sangsang stood on the roadside and just gathered his coat. He took out his mobile phone and called Song Xiyao. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

Chi Sangsang thought it was Song Xiyao, so she turned around with a smile and said, "Yao Yao, come on." However, the next second someone covered her mouth and nose with a towel, she lost consciousness, and her phone fell to the ground.

The two men quickly carried the unconscious Chi Sangsang into the car and drove away in the dust.

Because they were in a hurry, they didn't notice the cell phone that fell on the ground and showed that it was in a call.

"Sang Sang? Hey, Sang Sang, why don't you speak?"

Here, Song Xiyao had just answered the phone, but she didn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone. So she called several times in succession, but the results showed that no one answered. At this time, Song Xiyao belatedly realized that something might have happened to Chi Sangsang. .

Without any time to think about it, he immediately called Lu Chi, "Hey, senior, do you have Senior Jiang's phone number?"

When Lu Chi heard her asking for Jiang Jinci's phone number as soon as she came up, he was about to make a few jokes, but he keenly caught the faint sobbing coming from the other side of the phone, so he returned to being serious and lowered his voice, "Yes. , but why do you want his phone number?"

"Sang Sang is gone and doesn't answer my calls. I'm afraid something will happen."

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Lu Chi comforted her while finding Jiang Jinci's phone number and sending it to her. "Okay, don't worry, I'll send it to you, and I'll call him here too. Where are you now?" "Okay." , I’m here at University S, and Sangsang and I made an appointment to meet here.”

"Well, you go and see if you can find it first. I'll be there in a moment."

"Yeah." Song Xiyao hung up the phone and hurriedly wiped the tears on her face to find Chi Sangsang.

After comforting Song Xiyao, Lu Chi immediately picked up his coat and walked to the garage while calling Jiang Jinci. The ringing sounded for a long time before he answered.

Probably because he had just been woken up by Lu Chi, Jiang Jinci's voice was a little impatient, "If you fart, hurry up."

Lu Chi knew that Jiang Jinci was upset, so he immediately told him Song Xiyao's words, "Um, Jiang Jinci, Song Xiyao just called to say that Chi Sangsang is missing."

Jiang Jinci immediately sat up from the bed and hurriedly got dressed. "Say it again? Who is missing?"

Lu Chi was frightened by his tone, but he didn't dare to hide it, "My sister-in-law is missing. She lost contact with Song Xiyao outside S University. I'm already on the way there, Jiang Jinci, don't panic, Chi Sangsang will be fine."

"Yes, I know." Jiang Jin calmly hung up the phone, quickly picked up the car keys and went out, driving the Bentley away.

Along the way, countless scenes flashed through Jiang Jinci's mind. When he thought that Chi Sangsang might be in danger, his heart couldn't help but throb.

When he arrived, Lu Chi, Yu Che, and Song Xiyao were already waiting there.

Seeing him get out of the car, Lu Chi walked quickly to him and handed him the cell phone he found. "I didn't find it. This is the only cell phone on the ground. Song Xiyao confirmed that it belongs to Sangsang."

Jiang Jinci clenched the phone in her hand tightly and closed her eyes. There was a calmness about to come in the storm. "Look, keep looking."

(End of this chapter)

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