she is sweet and cute

Chapter 32 It's Her Turn

Chapter 32 It's Her Turn

Li Ya seemed to have heard some joke: "Qin Yan, did you just say let her go? Are you afraid?"

For the first time, Qin Yan felt so powerless about something. "It's not that I'm afraid, I just want to tell you that enough is enough."

Li Ya let go of the hand holding her shoulder, turned around and walked to Chi Sangsang, "Oh, it's impossible. It has already started and will never stop."

"Chi Sangsang, do you know what I hate most about you?"

Chi Sangsang looked at the person standing in front of him and smiled helplessly.

"Sorry, I'm not interested. You don't have to like my character, my appearance, or what I say, including everything about me. It doesn't matter, but please don't tell me that I didn't follow your ideas. In life, please stay away from me, don’t accuse me, don’t use your thoughts to laugh at my shortcomings, because I was not born to live for you.”

Li Ya didn't expect that she would say this, so she leaned down and grabbed her hair, "Really? But you are in my hands now! Look at the mark on your face, it's so pitiful."

"Oh, it was my bad luck this time, I don't blame anyone else."

The viciousness on Li Ya's face flashed away, she stood up and waved to the kidnapper beside her, "Jingze, you and these brothers haven't played with women for a while, right?"

The kidnapper named Jingze smiled obscenely when he heard these words, "Xiaoya, what do you mean?"

"She belongs to you now. It's her turn, just don't play bad tricks."

Hearing this, the man rubbed his hands and pulled Chi Sangsang from the ground to the other side. "Okay, then my brothers and I are welcome."

Seeing that Chi Sangsang was about to be taken away, Qin Yan snatched her away from the man at the critical moment and said, "Stop."

Seeing that the matter was about to succeed, but was stopped by someone, Li Ya was not happy either. "Qin Yan, what do you mean?"

"You said before that you kidnapped her to deal with her, but you only said you wanted to settle your accounts. Have you forgotten that the accounts between me and her have not yet been settled."


Qin Yan thought for a moment, "Let me settle the accounts between me and her first, and then you can ask your people to deal with her, okay?"

Seeing that the flesh on his hand was about to fly off, the kidnapper was anxious and was about to retort, but Li Ya glared at him and shut his mouth, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

"Then you go over there and wait for me for a while. The scene may be a little bloody, so please stay away."

Li Ya had seen Qin Yan deal with disobedient people before, so she took the kidnappers to the other side without saying anything.

After sending Li Ya and the others away, Qin Yan pulled Chi Sangsang close to her. With a fierce appearance, she secretly told her her plan: "While they are not paying attention now, I will help you untie the rope. You can hurry up later." Run, you know?”

Chi Sangsang didn't expect that she would save him, so he was stunned and refused, "No, you will be in danger."

Qin Yan squeezed her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Li Ya doesn't dare to touch me, but if something happens to you, Jiang Jinci will definitely not let me go."

"No, senior is not that kind of person. Listen to me. Just help me untie the rope later. If you can get out of their sight, just call the police for me. Don't let me end up with no one to collect the body."

Qin Yan wanted to persuade her again, but she ran out of time. Seeing Li Ya and the others looking this way, Chi Sangsang grabbed her hand without hesitation and slapped her face. The injured face immediately became swollen. Qin Yan's face changed in fright, and she scolded in a low voice, "Chi Sangsang, what are you doing?"

"Hit me, otherwise how will you make them believe you? I'm still waiting for you to save my life!"

Qin Yan gritted her teeth and said, "Madman, you are really a madman."

(End of this chapter)

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