she is sweet and cute

Chapter 38 Discharge

Chapter 38 Discharge
After that day, Chi Sangsang stayed in the hospital for a few more days. Song Xiyao, Lu Chi, and Yu Che also came twice, but they were secretly taken away by Jiang Jinci not long after they stayed.

In fact, Chi Sangsang wanted to be discharged from the hospital the next day, but her mother-in-law and Jiang Jinci both asked her to stay for two more days to observe the situation, so she had no choice but to stay for a few more days.

Today was the day when Chi Sangsang was approved to be discharged from the hospital. Perhaps because of her excitement, she woke up early. When Jiang Jinci arrived, Chi Sangsang was looking out the window in a daze.

"Kid, what are you thinking about when you get up so early?"


"Ah? Senior, when did you come?"

As soon as Chi Sangsang came back to her senses, she saw Jiang Jinci standing beside the hospital bed, with a hand stretched out in front of her eyes before she could take it back.

"I've been here for a while, why are you dazed?"

The emotion in Chi Sangsang's eyes flashed and she quickly covered it up, "No, maybe I didn't sleep well."

"Well, don't think so much. Let's eat. I brought some food you like." She didn't want to say it, but Jiang Jinci didn't force her. He picked up the food on the table and started feeding her.

"Senior, I'll do it myself." Chi Sangsang quickly took the food and refused to feed him.

Jiang Jinci's eyes darkened when he saw her obvious avoidance, but he didn't say anything.

"Senior, have you eaten yet? Otherwise, I'll give you half, and I haven't even used my chopsticks yet."

"You eat, I have eaten."

While Chi Sangsang was eating, Jiang Jinci quickly packed her things. During this period, Yu Yao came to give her a few words of advice and then left in a hurry. There was nothing she could do, her mother-in-law was very busy.

On the way home, Chi Sangsang suddenly remembered what happened before and couldn't help but ask, "Senior, where are Li Ya and the others?"

"They are being controlled by my people. What's wrong?"

"Can I go take a look?"

Jiang Jinci glanced at the cautious little girl, turned the steering wheel and changed the route. With a smile in his eyes, he raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

When the two arrived, Chi Sangsang realized that this was a villa built on the mountain. "Senior, aren't we going to see Li Ya and the others?"

"Well, they are here." Jiang Jinci smiled vaguely and led her towards the villa. After entering, Jiang Jinci took her into the room on the first floor. After entering, she discovered that there was a lot of mystery here.

It turned out that there was a dark room after the wall of the room was opened. When Chi Sangsang entered, she saw Li Ya and the two kidnappers who were tied and lying on the ground. There were also two people she didn't know standing next to them. They should be from the Jiang family. Bodyguard, Li Ya roared and struggled to crawl to her feet as soon as she saw Chi Sangsang coming in.

"Chi Sangsang, you sir have a lot. I was wrong. I'm sorry. I am blind to the mountains. Please help me. Please help me!"

Chi Sangsang saw that the person who was so high a few days ago was now in such a predicament, without any sympathy. Just imagine that if Jiang Jinci hadn't come that day, she would be worse than her.

However, when Jiang Jinci saw the woman crawling over on the ground, he immediately pulled Chi Sangsang into his arms. He motioned to the two bodyguards with his eyes, and Li Ya was immediately dragged back a few steps.

"Be honest, otherwise you will look better."

Chi Sangsang watched her calm down and withdraw from Jiang Jinci's arms, walked to her and squatted down, "Liya, do you regret it?"

Li Ya glanced behind her and trembled, "If I say I regret it, can you save me and let me out?"

(End of this chapter)

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