Chapter 40
pool house
As soon as Jiang Jinci sent Chi Sangsang to the door of the villa, she happened to meet Chi's father waiting at the door.

So he naturally followed the two of them through the door and sat in the living room. When Chi Sangsang had an accident, Chi Yuan put down his work and ran to the hospital. Therefore, Jiang Tingshen teased him and called him a "daughter slave."

"Jinci, thank you for taking care of Sangsang during this period. You see, you even sent Sangsang back today. Sangsang, have you thanked your brother Jinci?"

Chi Sangsang, who was eating strawberries when he was unexpectedly called upon by his father, choked and coughed.

Jiang Jinci on the side quickly handed her the warm water in front of her and said with a smile, "Slow down, no one will compete with you."

At this time, Chi Sangsang had also recovered. He turned around and took Chi Yuan's arm, speaking in a delicate and sweet tone, "Dad, I have already thanked the senior. If you don't believe me, why don't you ask him?"

Hearing this, Chi Yuan looked at Jiang Jinci aside. Jiang Jinci smiled and rubbed his eyebrows, "Well, I'm older than Sangsang. She is like my sister, so I should take care of her. Uncle, no need." Polite."

Chi Yuan smiled and tapped Chi Sangsang's forehead, "You, thanks to your brother Jinci for not caring about it, he went upstairs to help dad get the box from the study compartment."

"it is good."

Watching Chi Sangsang go upstairs, Jiang Jinci knew clearly that his uncle had something to say to him, but he didn't want Sang Sang to hear it.

"Uncle, do you have any concerns?"

Chi Yuan was not embarrassed when the junior saw through his thoughts. Instead, he smiled and refilled a cup of tea for him personally. "Jinci, you also know that uncle is just a daughter. Originally, I shouldn't bother you with this matter, but look at you guys." The two have known each other since they were young, and Sangsang is also familiar with you. Now they go to school in the same place. Although they are not in the same school, can you please help your uncle watch her more when you are free? As a girl, at this age, she is around She also has many boys, and my uncle is afraid that she will fall in love."

Hearing the words "fall in love", Jiang Jinci's hand holding the teacup tightened unconsciously, "Uncle, don't worry, I will help you watch over Sangsang." As for the little girl, if she wants to fall in love, then love The target can only be yourself.

Of course, he could only think about this in his heart now, otherwise he might have done something bad if he exposed his purpose so early.

Seeing how readily he agreed, the smile on Chi Yuan's face became a little brighter. When Chi Sangsang came downstairs, what he saw was his father looking at Jiang Jinci like a son.

"Here, Dad, do you think this is it?"

"Hey, that's right, Jin Ci, this isn't anything valuable, it's just a pen. If you don't mind, just accept it and treat it as your uncle's heart."

"Uncle, you are joking, it's too late for me to be happy." Jiang Jinci took the box with a smile.

That was something that she had been begging for for a long time but could not get. Seeing her father give that thing to Jiang Jin without blinking an eye, Chi Sangsang was keenly aware of a hint of adultery and held up her chin to observe. He glanced at the two of them and said, "Are you two hiding something from me?"

Chi Yuan was panicked by the sight, but still interrupted with a smile, "What can we hide from you? Don't think too much. Don't you like eating strawberries? Eat more."

"Well, I hope I'm thinking too much."

Later, Chi Yuan chatted with Jiang Jinci for a while about financial news. Chi Sangsang didn't understand either, so he just went on his own.

After the two men finished their discussion, Chi Yuan looked at his daughter in the yard and smiled softly, "Look, how old she is. In some ways, she is still like a child."

Looking at the smiling little girl in the yard, Jiang Jinci raised the corners of her lips, "That's good too."

(End of this chapter)

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