she is sweet and cute

Chapter 42 Awkward Jiang Jinci

Chapter 42 Awkward Jiang Jinci
On Saturday, Jiang Jinci strictly followed Chi Yuan's wishes and went to S University to find Chi Sangsang.

As a result, no one responded to her WeChat message. After waiting for a while, I couldn't help but give her a call. The ring rang for a long time before she was answered. The girl's voice was slightly tired, "Hello, hello."

Jiang Jinci frowned subconsciously, "It's me."

After a pause for a few seconds, the other person responded, "Well, is something okay, senior?"

"Are you busy?" Jiang Jinci's hand on the steering wheel knocked carelessly.

"Fortunately, we are busy with the homework assigned by the instructor."

"Okay, I understand. Let's have lunch together after you finish your work?"

"Okay, senior, let's not talk about it for now. Someone called me."


The moment Jiang Jinci hung up the phone, he seemed to hear a boy's voice on the other side of the phone. Thinking of that possibility, he unconsciously clenched his fingers.

After waiting until one o'clock, Chi Sangsang rushed out as soon as he finished his work. He was afraid that Jiang Jinci would wait too long, but someone blocked his way.

Han Sheng also hurriedly caught up with her. "Junior sister, where are you going?"

Chi Sangsang was in a hurry and wasted time on politeness, and said directly, "Eat."

"What about together? I just didn't eat either. We can go back together after eating."

Seeing Han Sheng chasing after him, Chi Sangsang took out his mobile phone and was about to send a message to Jiang Jinci when he was pulled behind him and then heard a familiar voice.

"Sorry, she's not available."

Han Sheng's eyes were wary of the sudden appearance of the person, "Who are you?"

"Her brother." Jiang Jinci glared at him coldly.

Obviously Han Sheng still didn't give up, and turned to Chi Sangsang, who was blocked by Jiang Jinci, "Junior sister, is he really your brother?" Chi Sangsang gently tugged on Jiang Jinci's sleeve and smiled from him. He walked out from behind, "Brother, he is indeed my brother. We are going to eat now, so sorry, we may have to leave first."

Hearing this, Han Sheng also smiled slightly awkwardly and respectfully extended his hand to the cold-faced Jiang Jinci, "Sorry, I was too impatient just now. I didn't know you were Sangsang's brother."

Jiang Jinci just glanced at his outstretched hand, pulled Chi Sangsang and left without saying a word.

Along the way, neither of them spoke. Jiang Jinci was angry that someone was thinking about the little girl, while Chi Sangsang didn't know what to say, so the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Until the two of them arrived at the restaurant and the food was served, Jiang Jinci remained silent, but he still picked up vegetables and peeled shrimps for her from time to time, with extremely skillful movements.

Chi Sangsang belatedly realized that Jiang Jinci might be in a bad mood. As for why she hadn't guessed yet, could it be that she had misunderstood the relationship between Han Sheng and her?
It has to be said that she discovered the truth inadvertently!


The two of them called each other out at the same time, and when they realized it, they both let the other person speak.

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

Jiang Jinci put down the shrimp in his hand, wiped his hands, sat up slightly, and looked at Chi Sangsang, "Let me tell you first, Sangsang, what is your relationship with that boy?"

"Oh, he is a senior fellow in our department."

"Is it really Senior Brother?"

Chi Sangsang finally understood what he was talking about and raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Well, otherwise, the senior wouldn't think I like him, would he?"

After being exposed, Jiang Jinci coughed awkwardly, "Ahem, anyway, please remember that you two are not suitable."

"Well, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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