she is sweet and cute

Chapter 47: Kid, why are you shy?

Chapter 47: Kid, why are you shy?
The skin behind her ears and her neck was glowing pink from the excessively close contact.


Chi Sangsang didn't have time to think about it, so she could only look away in embarrassment.

For a moment, an ambiguous atmosphere came over, and the surrounding air seemed to become a little thinner.

However, the young man seemed unable to see her thoughts, and came closer to her again. His beautiful peach blossom eyes were bent, as if reflecting a delicate and gentle halo, bright and alluring.

"Kid, why are you shy?"

"Senior, I, I'm going back first, good night." Chi Sangsang glanced at him and hurriedly turned around and returned to the dormitory without even looking back.

There is no way, she can't afford to offend her senior, she can't withstand this offensive!

Looking at the back of the little girl leaving in a hurry, Jiang Jinci knew not to tease him too much, or else he would ignore him next time.

However, Han Sheng's words reminded him that the little girl should hurry up, otherwise Jiang Jinci didn't know if something like today would happen again.

As soon as Chi Sangsang returned to the dormitory, she saw Zhao Yunshan sitting at the desk staring at her, as if she was holding a trial.

Chi Sangsang smiled, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yunshan immediately put on the airs of the royal family and said, "Tell me the truth, is there someone outside?"

Knowing that she was addicted to drama, Chi Sangsang didn't reveal it and accompanied her to act, pretending to be shocked, "How did you tell?"

"Hmph, I saw you guys downstairs even if I'm not blind." Zhao Yunshan pointed downstairs as she spoke.

"Where did you start watching?"

"Not much, let's start with you hugging Senior Brother Han Sheng."

Chi Sangsang said that she didn't want to talk at this moment. This girl might have read it from beginning to end, so she rubbed her brows helplessly.

"Good sister, please let me go. Do you want to know why Han Sheng sent me back? Do you want to know why I hugged him? Do you want to know what happened? If you want to know, just"

"I understand, I understand." As soon as Zhao Yunshan heard that there was a play, she immediately lost interest in acting. She pulled her and sat on the bed and looked at her motionless.

Chi Sangsang smiled slyly and said, "I want to know, but I won't tell you."

Later, under Zhao Yunshan's pressure, Chi Sangsang told her what happened, but deliberately avoided the part where Jiang Jinci beat someone up.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. Senior Brother Han Sheng didn't think of someone who kept pestering me and couldn't let go. As expected, Sangsang, you are too charming."

At first, Chi Sangsang thought the same way. After all, Han Sheng had good conditions and excellent grades. As a patient with severe facial control, she still admired him very much. She thought Han Sheng was not bad and could be a friend. Of course, these thoughts It was before what happened tonight. Now Chi Sangsang just wants to avoid it in the future. If he can't afford to offend her, he can still hide.

In a word, "Don't judge people by their appearance."

I thought I could sleep peacefully, but Zhao Yunshan, a villain, suddenly discovered something was wrong. "No, Sangsang, you haven't told me who the person who appeared later was?"

"A former senior."

"Really? Then why didn't you say anything just now?" As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Yunshan stared at her closely, trying to see something from her face.

"Ahem, I forgot about that. It's not too late to tell you now."

Zhao Yunshan glanced at her suspiciously, then returned to her bed and said silently, "But why do I think something is wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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