she is sweet and cute

Chapter 5 Strict Wife Control

Chapter 5 Strict Wife Control

It has been nearly a week since the last time I had dinner with my children. During this week, Jiang Jinci gradually changed from being cold and reserved at the beginning to being expressionless. Even Lu Chi and Yu Che beside him could tell that this man was in a bad mood recently. , although he usually looks like an unattainable flower on the mountain, but recently the pressure around him has become lower and lower.

Lu Chi, who was across the sofa in the living room, silently glanced at Yu Che who was standing aside. Yu Che instantly understood, "Master Jiang, are you going to play a game at Huading tonight?"

Jiang Jinci glanced at him coldly, "Boring."

"Jiang Jinci, have you been in trouble recently?" Lu Chi teased without fear of death. If others don't know, how can they not know this man's thoughts as his children? Therefore, he is not polite at all and only picks on the weak points. tie.

"Jiang Jinci, haven't you finished it yet?" As soon as he finished speaking, he received a slap in the face from the person opposite him, and he instantly felt the coldness around him.

"What, do you have any objections?" Jiang Jinci turned the watch on her wrist and raised her head calmly.

"No, I have no objection, but as a brother, I still want to tell you, if you like him, don't hesitate. If you can't do it, just keep stalking. Little girl, you have a soft heart!" Lu Chi has really had enough of being treated so lowly these days. He started to give Jiang Jinci some advice, hoping that he would be in a better mood.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Jinci stared at him and looked him up and down, then said, "Treat him if you are sick."

Lu Chi: I’m so angry, but I can’t beat him.

Yu Che endured it again and again, but couldn't bear it anymore and burst out laughing. For a moment, he received Jiang Jinci's glance and silently tightened his lips: "Jiang Jinci, what Lu Chi said is not rude, otherwise Want to try it?"

There was a brief silence in the room, and then the young man's clear voice sounded, "No, the little girl is timid, it's easy to scare her."

"Okay, it hasn't happened yet. Master Jiang, you are hurting like this. If it happens in the future, wouldn't it be a strict henpeck?" Lu Chi teased from the side, clearly saying: So you are like this Jiang Jinci.

Jiang Jinci sneered without refuting, "Tsk."

"." There is no way to talk today.

pool house
Chi Sangsang was sitting on the sofa in the living room with Chi Mu holding pillows, watching TV and eating desserts. She was living a very comfortable life, but she never thought that there was someone waiting for her to find her.

After a while, Chi's father also came back from the company. Chi's mother smiled and walked to the door to take the coat hanging from Chi's father's arm, "Why are you back so late today? Sangsang was still missing you just now."

"I met Lao Jiang today, and I was happy to chat for a while. By the way, Sangsang, your Uncle Jiang said that Jin Ci is also in your school. Have you seen him?" Chi's father hugged Chi's mother and sat down. Next to Chi Sangsang, he peeled two oranges for them.

"Well, I've seen it before." Chi Sangsang answered vaguely, stuffing oranges into his mouth.

Chi's mother took out a tissue and handed it to her daughter, "Eat slowly. Speaking of which, your Aunt Jiang and I haven't seen each other for a long time. When we were children, you were the most attached to your brother Jinci. It's a pity that later."

"Well, Mom, why don't I remember what you said?" As soon as Chi Sangsang finished speaking, Chi's mother paused imperceptibly, and then returned to normal, "You were young at that time and didn't remember what was normal. It's because your mother was confused. .”

Chi's father also smiled and echoed, "Your mother, it's always been like this these years. She remembers everything vaguely. Sangsang was only old at that time, so why mention that?"

"Yes, let's not mention it anymore." Although Sangsang had doubts in his heart, he couldn't get to the bottom of it when his parents interrupted with a smile.

In this way, the family of three spent a warm night.

(End of this chapter)

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