she is sweet and cute

Chapter 53 You Are Unique

Chapter 53 You Are Unique

After Jiang Jinci finished eating the cake, Lu Chi called.

"Hey, Mr. Ci, are you and your sister-in-law fine yet? We are all waiting for you! Are you coming yet?"

"Don't go."

Chi Sangsang listened briefly and then gently tugged on the corner of his clothes, "Would it be bad if we didn't go?"

Hearing this, the young man smiled and bent down, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Senior, let's go."

After the two of them finished talking, Lu Chi was still chattering on the other side. Jiang Jinci simply said "wait" and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, the two appeared in Huading's box. Seeing the young couple arriving, everyone stood up to welcome them.

Lu Chi was the most excited: "Sister-in-law, you are finally here, the flowers we have been waiting for have all faded."

When Chi Sangsang heard his name, she smiled sheepishly and picked up the wine glass on the table. "My fault, I will punish myself with three drinks."

"Hey, sister-in-law"

Lu Chi was about to stop him when he saw Jiang Jinci beside Chi Sangsang reaching out and grabbing the wine glass from her hand. He glanced at Lu Chi coldly, "I'll drink her wine for her."

Lu Chi felt wronged, but he didn't dare to say it. He smiled and smoothed things over, "Yes, yes, yes, you are from the same family. Everyone drinks the same."

After three glasses of wine, Jiang Jinci's face turned slightly red, and she pulled Chi Sangsang to sit on the double sofa. She placed one hand on the sofa behind Chi Sangsang. From a distance, it seemed that Chi Sangsang's whole body was He held her in his arms.

"Child, are you secretly learning to drink behind your brother's back?"

The sound of burning breath clung to my ears, and my ears suddenly turned red. My whole body felt bad, "No, I didn't learn it secretly."

Of course Jiang Jinci knew that the little girl didn't secretly learn to drink behind his back, but now seeing the little girl fidgeting, he couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Huh? Who just said so brazenly that he would punish himself with three drinks?" "They are your friends, and it is wrong for us to be late."

Seeing the little girl's reasoning, Jiang Jin smiled politely and rubbed her head, "Okay, little friend, please remember that you are my girlfriend now. No one can bully you except me. This time, brother will not I’m arguing with you, but you’re not allowed to drink without me around from now on, you know?”

"it is good."

Seeing the little girl's obedient response, Jiang Jinci turned around and said a few words to Lu Chi beside him before standing up and going out. When he came back a few minutes later, he had a cup of cheese Oreo milk tea in his hand.

The little girl was originally in a low mood after being taught a few words by Jiang Jinci, and even Song Xiyao was a little absent-minded when he came to talk to her. But when she saw Jiang Jinci brought a cup of milk tea to her, especially the flavor she liked, she felt so depressed. For a moment, Chi Sangsang felt that her mood had improved instantly, and she could no longer care about everything.

As she said: There is no problem in the world that a cup of milk tea cannot solve. If there is, then have another cup.

When everyone chatting on the side saw Jiang Jinci coming back with a cup of milk tea and passing it to Chi Sangsang, they all started joking and saying, "Jealous."

"Master Ci, do you have my share?"

"And I."

"Master Ci, we want it too."

Jiang Jinci glanced at the crowd of cheering people, sat down next to the little girl and made a phone call. After a while, someone sent milk tea over.

Lu Chi on the side looked at what he was holding, then turned to look at what Chi Sangsang was holding, and clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, Mr. Ci, you have a wife and have forgotten about your brother. I also want a sister-in-law."


After quarreling with Lu Chi, Jiang Jinci leaned close to the little girl's ear and squeezed her finger. "Don't worry, you are one of a kind."

(End of this chapter)

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