she is sweet and cute

Chapter 58 Drunkenness

Chapter 58 Drunkenness
"Master Ci, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"Ha, you're single. You can't understand my happiness."

At this time, Jiang Jinci stood firmly by his wife's side.

As the saying goes, some people are willing to go out of their way to save their brothers, and some are willing to go out of their way to do it for their wives.

Jiang Jinci is obviously the latter type at present.

It was eleven o'clock when the few of them were chatting and laughing. Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Jinci was about to take Chi Sangsang back.

When he got up, he glanced at Lu Chi, who was lying on the sofa drunk and unconscious, holding Song Xiyao, and kicked him with a smile, "You have a small capacity for alcohol, but you drink so much, and you harm this little girl."

Lu Chi felt vaguely that someone had kicked him. He tried to push himself up, opened his eyes and muttered, "I can keep drinking. Master, I will never get drunk after a thousand cups."

Seeing that the guy was still drunk, Jiang Jinci stopped talking nonsense and looked directly at Yu Che who was beside the drunkard: "Tsk, Yu Che, you will send the little girl back later. As for Lu Chi?"

"It's okay. You can take my sister-in-law back first. I'll take you back to Lu Chi. Anyway, I'm on my way."

Jiang Jinci nodded, and before leaving, he remembered something and said a few words, "Okay, don't send him home like this, otherwise Uncle Lu will be beaten."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After making arrangements for Lu Chi, Jiang Jinci hugged Chi Sangsang and left without looking back.

Just like that, Lu Chi was easily determined where to go.

The protagonists have all left, and everyone else has also dispersed one by one. Only Song Xiyao, Lu Chi and Yu Che are still in the box. It's not that she doesn't want to leave, the key is that she really can't leave!
Lu Chi was a light drinker. After a few drinks, he started to talk to her about his heartfelt feelings. He talked about things from childhood to growing up. When he was thirsty, he picked up the wine on the table and drank. The more he drank, the more he drank. Drunk.

Seeing that everyone had left, Song Xiyao was also about to leave, but Lu Chi's hand was still holding her sleeve. In desperation, she had to ask for help from Yu Che, who was watching silently.

"Senior, it's time for me to leave, look at this"

Hearing this, Yu Che raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Chi, feeling a little uncomfortable. He smiled and helped her get her sleeves out of the hands of a drunkard. "Okay, I'll take you back first."

"No, senior, you'd better take care of Senior Lu. I've already made an appointment for a ride. I'm leaving first. Bye."

After saying that, Song Xiyao picked up her bag and walked to the door without giving him a chance to refuse.

Seeing her insistence, Yu Che had no choice but to give up, "Okay, remember to call Sangsang when you get home, so as not to worry her."

"it is good."

Originally everything should have ended here, but suddenly Lu Chi didn't know what went crazy. He seemed to feel that Song Xiyao was leaving, so he stood up unsteadily and started to chase after her, "Yao Yao, wait for me, I haven't lied before. You, I really like you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Xiyao felt that the air around her had become much colder. She hurriedly glared at the instigator and left in a hurry.

Here Yu Che looked at someone who was drunk and restless, and pulled him irritably. Lu Chi lost his balance and fell into his arms. Yu Che pinched his chin and came close to him.

"Do you like her so much? Do you have to be her?"

Lu Chi could only feel the buzzing noise of mosquitoes in his ears. He slapped Yu Che on the head and hummed twice, "Go away, noisy."

Yu Che was not annoyed by being patted on the head and sneered, "Heh, just wait, I'll take care of you later."

(End of this chapter)

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