she is sweet and cute

Chapter 7 Don’t harm the flowers and bones of the motherland

Chapter 7 Don’t harm the flowers and bones of the motherland
After the two met that day, Jiang Jinci came more frequently than before. Chi Sangsang hurriedly pulled Song Xiyao away after class every day, leaving Song Xiyao with a confused look on her face: "Sangsang, what's wrong with you these days, Senior Jiang?" He’s here to find you, right? Have you provoked him again?”

"Did you see it? No." Chi Sangsang looked in disbelief. Song Xiyao took her arm, thought for a moment and suddenly covered her mouth, "No way, Jiang Jinci doesn't like you!"

Chi Sangsang flicked her forehead, "Don't talk nonsense. It doesn't matter if others believe this kind of thing. How can you still believe it?"

"Sang Sang, you have to understand that the authorities are confused, but those on the sidelines are clear."

"I think it's better to focus on studying now."

"Then you don't have any feelings for Senior Jiang?"

"Yeah." Chi Sangsang's mouth trembled belatedly as she thought of the candy that the man peeled off for her before.

Song Xiyao looked at the raised corners of her little sister's mouth and knew that she had not lied to her, so she advised her to think about it again.

Chi Sangsang was out of sorts all afternoon. When school was over, she met Jiang Jinci waiting under the sycamore tree at the school gate. When the man saw her, he walked over to her with a smile and took her schoolbag very naturally.

At that time, the sun was shining, the breeze was gentle, and the 18-year-old boy was in his prime, running against the light towards the little girl he liked.

The two walked side by side for a while, and Jiang Jinci suddenly stopped, leaning slightly over Chi Sangsang's ear, "Kid, are you worried?"

A low voice sounded in her ears, like a whisper between lovers, and crimson crept into the little girl's ears. "Senior, as the successor of socialism, you cannot harm the flowers of the motherland."

"Okay, it's not harmful. We'll pick it later when we grow older, eh?" Jiang Jinci was not surprised by her unclear words. Instead, she laughed softly, with a bit of a smile on her face, making her whole body. The person is more gentle.

"Senior, please follow me and say prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious, fair, honest and friendly..."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I understand. I understand everything. We are just pure friends." Jiang Jinci straightened up slightly and took out a strawberry-flavored toffee from her pocket, peeled it and put it to her mouth. Sang Sang hesitated for a moment, lowered his head and took it in his mouth. The strong fragrance of strawberry milk spread in his mouth. He smiled at Jiang Jinci, revealing his two dimples.

Jiang Jinci rubbed her head and smiled, "You're so good. Let's go and take you home." As soon as he sent Chi Sangsang home and was about to go back, he received a call from Lu Chi. It was noisy, but Lu Chi's voice still reached his ears relatively clearly: "Master Jiang, are Huading coming?"

Originally planning to hang up, Jiang Jinci unexpectedly thought of something and unexpectedly agreed, "Wait."

"Yu Che, did I hear it right? Jiang Jinci said he asked us to wait? He has answered this call before. This matter is not simple today." The more Lu Chi thought about it, the more he felt that his analysis made sense.

Yu Che picked up the wine glass on the table and clinked it with Lu Chi's glass. "Stop thinking about it. Brother Ci may be in a good mood."

"In a good mood? Impossible. It's not like you haven't seen him like that a few days ago. I was almost scared to death by him."

"Lu Chi, stop talking." Yu Che saw the person at the door of the box and wanted to remind the guy next to him who was still madly complaining about someone. Unexpectedly, Lu Chi not only didn't stop, but became more and more enthusiastic.

"Yu Che, look at what I'm doing. I'm telling you, Jiang Jinci can't be in a good mood. He was sulking because that little girl ignored him before. Maybe he's just here for a drink today. Oh, Yu Che , why are you covering my mouth when you are crazy?"

Yu Che sighed, and with a look that seemed sympathetic to Lu Chi, he motioned for him to look behind him, "You wish for yourself."

As soon as Lu Chi turned around, he saw Jiang Jinci walking in with a faint smile. He immediately stood up and interrupted with a smile, "Brother Ci, you are here. When did you come?"

"Unfortunately, I've been here for a while." Jiang Jinci came in and found a single sofa to sit down on, with one hand supporting his chin and no expression on his face.Lu Chi thought he was trying to settle accounts, smiling on his face but crying in his heart.

"Haha, I was joking just now. Just kidding." Lu Chi changed his face like he was flipping through a book. Jiang Jinci and his friends were used to it over the years. This time Jiang Jinci didn't say anything, just stared at the screen of his mobile phone and didn't know what he was thinking. What.

On the other hand, Yu Che and Lu Chi looked at each other and disliked each other.

(End of this chapter)

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