she is sweet and cute

Chapter 76 Marshmallow

Chapter 76 Marshmallow

The late autumn night was a bit cold, and Jiang Jinci didn't dare to let the little girl stay outside for too long. The two held hands and quickly returned to the car and went to the restaurant they had booked for dinner.

Except for the second half of the meeting, the two of them barely spoke. Chi Sangsang was pretending to be in a bad mood, while Jiang Jinci was worried that she was tired after a busy day of assignments.

It was not until after dinner that Jiang Jinci sent her back to the dormitory. Chi Sangsang stood on the steps and looked at Jiang Jinci who was standing downstairs. For a moment, emotions surged and she blurted out, "Brother, you..."

Jiang Jinci took two steps closer and climbed up the steps. "What's wrong, kid? You don't want to let go of your brother?"

"No, I mean drive safely."

Not getting the answer he expected, Jiang Jinci smiled helplessly, "Okay, go up. I'll watch you go upstairs before leaving."

Autumn passed quickly. In the next two months, Jiang Jinci would prepare a flower in advance every time he came to see the little girl. Every day was different.

Later, even Lu Chi found out about this. He called him with emotion and asked, "Brother Jin, it's not too troublesome for you to buy one every day. You might as well buy a bunch."

As a result, Jiang Jinci showed off her affection fiercely, "You don't understand, romance and surprises shouldn't be limited to specific seasons. She is my heartbeat day after day."

As his childhood friend, Lu Chi asked himself that he had never seen such a slimy Jiang Jinci, but now that it had actually happened, how could it not be surprising? "No, Brother Jin, you are already married before you are married." Now that things are like this, if you and my sister-in-law become perfect wife slaves in the future, wouldn’t you?”

Hearing Lu Chi's teasing, Jiang Jinci did not scold him for the first time, "What, do you have any objection? In our family, we listen to her on small things, and on big things we listen to me."

As expected of Brother Jin, he has not been carried away by love.

“Brother Jin, what’s a small thing and what’s a big thing?”

"In our family... everything except her is a trivial matter."


"Brother Jin, you have changed. There is no love between us anymore, right?"


Well, another person who was carried away by love turned out to be the clown in the end. Lu Chi was almost autistic. He was laughed at instead of being laughed at. What happened to this?
If he is unhappy, Yu Che can't even think about getting better.

One minute later, Yu Che, who was still sleeping, was woken up by a phone call. A deep voice reached Lu Chi's ears, "Hello?"

It is inevitable for boys to make some bubbly sounds when they first get up, such as Yu Che. This was something Lu Chi discovered later, and it happened to be his habit.

So as soon as he heard Yu Che's voice, Lu Chi's ears turned red, and his voice unconsciously softened, "Yu Che, do you still love me?"

Although he didn’t understand what aroused this guy so early in the morning, Yu Che still patiently coaxed him, “Ai, I love you most every day.”

"Well, that's okay, you can continue to sleep."

By the time he was about to say something else, the phone had hung up. Unfortunately, he was still a child after all, with a child's mind.


Jiang Jinci hung up the phone and went to find Chi Sangsang. The two agreed to go out on a date together today.

The little girl had been waiting downstairs in the dormitory early. When she saw him coming, she immediately threw herself into his arms with a smile. She glanced at the flowers in his hand and raised her eyebrows, "Brother, what is today?"

Jiang Jinci smiled and carried her to the car, "Today, it's the marshmallow in my hand."

Wenyan Chi Sangsang stared at him curiously, "Huh? Why marshmallows?"

Jiang Jinci helped her smooth the messed up hair on her forehead, "Because... you are too sweet. You are so sweet and soft, you are just like a marshmallow!"

(End of this chapter)

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