she is sweet and cute

Chapter 79 Check in

Chapter 79 Check in
Chi Sangsang took it and took a sip. It was indeed quite warm.

Jiang Jinci made breakfast while she was drinking milk, and she stood by the kitchen door and watched.

In fact, his boyfriend is quite handsome when he cooks, otherwise, would you agree to stay with him?
Breakfast was also ready at this time. Jiang Jinci saw her standing motionless by the door and smiled, "What are you looking at? She's so absorbed!"

"look at you."

Jiang Jinci looked herself up and down and found nothing wrong. She simply stopped worrying and walked over and pulled her to sit down on the stool next to him. "What do I have to see? Let's eat."

"You are good-looking. I like you the most. Brother, I have thought about it. I will listen to you and live here for now. Then I will go back with you."

Now it was Jiang Jinci's turn to be surprised and raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that I'll molest you?"

Hearing this, Chi Sangsang turned to look at him and raised his chin with her index finger, "There's nothing I can do about it, beauty can mislead people!"


After a brief silence, a "pop" sound brought her back to reality. Chi Sangsang covered her beaten index finger and looked at the culprit pitifully, "Jiang Jin Ci!"

"Well, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have called my name. It sounds really nice."

"Why did you hit me?"

In fact, his beating didn't hurt, but she just felt aggrieved. She had just agreed to his conditions and was beaten the next second.

Jiang Jinci put down the chopsticks he had just used to hit someone, "Tell me first where you learned that trick?"

When Chi Sangsang saw that he didn't comfort her but instead questioned her, she laughed angrily, "What? Are you talking about what I just said to you? I didn't learn anything. I will know it when I see you. You are self-taught, so you are awesome!"

After saying that, Jiang Jinci glanced at her, took her hand that he had knocked just now, rubbed it and sighed, "I'm really mad at you, does it still hurt?"

In fact, it no longer hurts, but Chi Sangsang felt that she still needed to be pretentious at this time, so she said in a decent way: "It hurts, the blow you just gave me hurt. Help me blow it." Jiang Jin Ci's mouth was instructing someone to purr the little girl, but his movements were particularly gentle. "It hurts. Only when it hurts you will remember it. Next time, don't say this to others casually, and you can't even make a joke. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Chi Sangsang pursed his lips and said, "I know, brother, I feel like you are becoming more and more similar to Lao Chi. Even the tone of voice is similar. Am I looking for a father for myself?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his forehead was hit and his brain collapsed. "Why, do you think I am being too lenient because of my age?"

Chi Sangsang, who was already feeling guilty after hearing this, didn't dare to move at all. She smiled and said, "No way, brother, aren't you misinterpreting the meaning of the text!"

"Whether you mean it or not, it's too late to say anything now. I am your boyfriend. You have to remember this."

Seeing that he was like this, Chi Sangsang was still unmoved, and his expression became serious, "Okay, I remember, boyfriend."

Hearing her affirmative answer, Jiang Jinci's anxious heart gradually relaxed, "Well, you are still young and don't understand. You will understand later that there are benefits to being older."

After supervising her to finish breakfast, Jiang Jinci helped her pull her luggage upstairs. Chi Sangsang followed him step by step. When Jiang Jinci was about to pull her luggage to his bedroom, Chi Sangsang stepped forward. In one quick move he snatched the luggage.

Jiang Jinci stared at his free hand for a moment, "Sang Sang, be obedient and give me your luggage. I'll help you put it in the bedroom."

When Chi Sangsang saw him walking towards her, she took a few steps back and held the handle of the suitcase tightly with both hands. "Brother, I can just stay in the guest room. Just tell me which room it is and I can go there myself." "

Seeing her guarded face towards him, Jiang Jinci felt helpless and stopped silently, standing there and watching, "No need to bother, you can stay in this room."

"But... this is your bedroom... it wouldn't be nice if we lived together."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Jiang Jinci smile across from her. At the same time, she walked over and took her shoulders with a force that could not be refused and entered the bedroom. "What are you thinking in your little head! Don't worry, you live in this room, I will be there." Next door to you.”

Chi Sangsang blushed when he learned that his Chi thought was wrong, and he pursed his lips and complied obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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