she is sweet and cute

Chapter 87 I'm in Love

Chapter 87 I'm in Love
Li Huan and Jiang Jinci left after lunch.

As soon as they left, Yu Yao called Chi Sangsang to her side, "Sang Sang, tell your mother the truth, do you feel sorry for Xiao Ci..."

Perhaps because she felt that it was not good to inquire into her daughter's privacy like this, Yu Yao did not ask after all.

Chi Sangsang looked at her troubled expression and thought, "Mom, do you want to ask me if I like Senior Jiang."

This sentence was a statement rather than a question, and Yu Yao instantly understood that her daughter might have been tempted.

"Sangsang, do you like Xiao Ci very much?"

"Yes, I like it."

This time it was Yu Yao's turn to be silent. Chi Sangsang had a bad feeling in his heart: "Mom, you won't..."

"Sang Sang, while the relationship isn't deep yet, is it okay if you don't like me?"

Chi Sangsang stood up and looked at her in disbelief. She didn't understand why her mother, who had never opposed her since childhood, would ask her like this today.

"Mom, what did you say...what did you say? You are kidding, right?"

Yu Yao stood up and walked over to hug her shoulders, "Sang Sang, let's find someone else to like. Just treat it as my mother begging you, okay? Be obedient."

Chi Sangsang couldn't explain how she felt in her heart at this moment. She felt that she was in so much pain, so much...

Perhaps he wanted revenge, or perhaps he was unwilling to give in. Chi Sangsang pushed her away, took a few steps back, and looked at the floor blankly, "But I have no way out. It's too late. Mom, I'm in love." "

"with who?"

Chi Sangsang smiled mockingly, "Who else can I go with? Of course it's Jiang Jinci."

As soon as he said this, Chi Sangsang received a slap on the face. After the slap, Yu Yao regretted it. His hands were shaking and he quickly hugged her into his arms. He saw that her face was red, it was because of her slap.

"I'm sorry, Sangsang, I'm sorry, mom didn't mean it, please don't be angry with mom, okay, break up with him, you two are not suitable."

Hearing this, Chi Sangsang smiled as she didn't know what to think of. "Oh, it's inappropriate. Is it because of the past? What happened before?"

As she finished speaking, Chi Sang Sang clearly felt Yu Yao's movements pause. "Sang Sang, you don't want to know. Just listen to mom this time. Just this once. You can do whatever you want in the future."

"Mom, if your grandparents had objected to your relationship with your father, would you have given up?"

Yu Yao let go of her and sighed, "No, but your situation is different, Sangsang, and your hypothesis won't happen. Besides..."

"Besides, your father would never agree if he knew."

Chi Sangsang didn't expect that she would even say such words in order to force herself to break up. "Mom, how will you know if you don't try."

While the two were arguing, Aunt Wang came over. Yu Yao asked her to help take care of Chi Sangsang and hurried upstairs.

When Aunt Wang saw Chi Sangsang's face turned red, she quickly went to get a hot egg and an ice pack. Then she pulled her to sit down and gave her a cold compress while persuading her, "Oh, I'm sorry, Miss, I also have a daughter." , No mother doesn’t love her daughter. This slap must hurt my wife more than you do. If you two, mother and daughter, have something to say, there will always be a solution, right?"

Chi Sangsang pressed the ice pack on her face and tugged at the corner of her mouth, "Aunt Wang, I understand. I'll go up first."

"Oh, okay, go ahead and stop arguing."

Chi Sangsang walked to the door of the room and hesitated for a moment, thinking about it. Just as he was about to go downstairs, he heard faint sobbing coming from the room.

(End of this chapter)

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