she is sweet and cute

Chapter 94 True and False

Chapter 94 True and False
"Brother, maybe our journey along the way has been too smooth, too easy, and too beautiful. It's so beautiful that I feel like it's all a dream of mine. I'm afraid that one day I'll wake up and find that it's all fake. all fake."

Jiang Jinci couldn't stand listening until halfway through. He felt sorry for his little friend. He had never thought that the little girl was thinking like this in a place he didn't know. "Kid, I'm sorry, I didn't know that I would make you feel like this." Illusion, blame me, I didn’t give you enough sense of security, so hit me so you know this is not a dream, eh?"

Seeing him holding her hand and about to hit him in the face, Chi Sangsang couldn't react before she dodged and hit him. Jiang Jinci touched the place where he was hit and smiled, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all." It hurts, like a kitten scratching."

Chi Sangsang, who was originally prepared to offer condolences, "..."

Seeing that she was in a much better mood, Jiang Jinci began to persuade her, "Kid, please don't hide anything from me in the future, okay? You don't need to hide anything from me. Rather than you thinking about things alone, I want to solve the problems between us in time." Got settled, eh?”


Thinking of what happened at noon today, Chi Sangsang hesitated to tell him that her family did not agree with the two of them getting married. This was a big deal, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was unnecessary. It would be fine if she knew this kind of thing, and there was no need to let him know. He was worried too, after all she thought she would sort it out before he knew it.

After walking for a while, Chi Sangsang suddenly turned his back to the sunset and asked a confused question, "Brother, will we be better in the future?"

Jiang Jinci was just stunned for a moment, then walked towards her and took her into his arms, "Yes, yes, we will have more years to come."

This scene, even many years later, always amazed his little girl when he recalled it.

That day she turned around and looked back, and saw her young man holding the sun in his hands, with a bright light above his head. The young man was as bright as the sun, and she dared not forget it.

The two walked for a while, and Jiang Jinci sent Chi Sangsang back, but of course he didn't dare to send it to the door.

As soon as Jiang Jinci arrived home, she was blocked by the two giant Buddhas at home.

Li Huan looked behind him and then looked outside the door. "You're back? Where is my daughter-in-law?"

Jiang Jinci reluctantly put his arm around her shoulders and walked through the door and said, "Your daughter-in-law didn't follow me back. Mom, neither did you. This title still needs to be changed. She is timid. What should I do if she is frightened by you calling me that?" ?”

Being forcibly abducted by his son back to the living room, Li Huan glanced behind him without giving up. After realizing that he was the only one back, he withdrew his gaze without interest and waved his hand in disgust, "Hey, stop it, my ears are all broken." The cocoon is about to grow out, but I haven’t seen you, a little bastard, bring this person back.”

Jiang Jinci looked at Jiang Tingshen, who was sitting and reading a newspaper, "Dad, you don't care about your wife."

Hearing this, Jiang Ting took a moment to look at him and shrugged helplessly, "Your mother is right. When will you bring your daughter-in-law back, we will shut up. Your parents have paved the road for you. It's up to you how you go." It’s time to do it, don’t let me and your mother down.”

Seeing that the situation in front of her was not good, Jiang Jinci rubbed her eyebrows and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm tired. I'll go up and rest first."

Without waiting for the two of them to react, he quickly got up and went upstairs to close the door, completing the entire process in one go.

"Hey, this kid..."

(End of this chapter)

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