Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 1 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (1)

Chapter 1 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (1)

In the police station, the captain, with a bulging belly, threw a document on the table with contemptuous movements, and took the biscuits on Mingyue's table. "What kind of policeman can a woman put in all her efforts to become? I advise you to change your career as soon as possible."

The bright moon is in the circle, where is her hot pot? !

Looking around, I saw a shabby old police station. There were piles of documents on almost every table. The fan above my head was spinning squeaking, and there was a risk of falling down at any time.

"What are you looking at? Complete your job and don't hold us back!"

The captain's sinister voice caught Mingyue's attention, and her eyes were fixed on the biscuits in the captain's hand, "touch my things?"

"What? This is a warning that if you confiscate it once, you will buy snacks for the whole team next time."

The captain's words were full of disdain for Mingyue, and he grabbed the documents on the table and threw them in her face.


The screams soared into the sky. The captain was in so much pain that he broke into cold sweat. His fat face was as pale as paper. He trembled his lips and began to beg for mercy, "Let go...let me go..."

Mingyue grabbed the captain with her backhand, shocking everyone, so that everyone looked at the two men in a daze.

Isn't Meng Gourd willing to fight and suffer?Why is it so unusual today?

It took a long time before someone realized something was wrong and quickly pulled him away, "Mingyue, let go! You're crazy, that's the captain!"

Mingyue snorted coldly, then let go, with a faint smile on her lips, and her tone was quite innocent, "I'm sorry, Captain, I accidentally got a little too strong."

"You..." The captain was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. His arm was definitely broken!Staring at Mingyue with a pair of sinister eyes, "Just wait!"

Mingyue smiled lightly and said nothing, "You asked me to wait and I just waited. Why?"
It was a pity that this person would be caught, so she decided to make a sneak attack at night.

Thinking of this, feeling the extra things in the sea of ​​consciousness, Mingyue narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Get out."

[My dear host, how do you know me? ]
778 said flatteringly. If there is no performance, it will be included in the destruction list. If it does not sign a host, it will be completely finished.

Just as it happened to take one more look at the host in the crowd, it packed the person up and sent him to the plane world.

"I want to go back." [Unfortunately, we are already bound. ] And it’s still the highest level. 778 doesn’t dare to say this because it’s a little panicked.

[Host, look at the drawer, there are small prepared snacks. ]
Looking at Mingyue's cold eyes, 778 thought of the snacks he had hoarded and reluctantly gave up.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

[It’s very simple to do two things, support the protagonist group and eliminate the false protagonist. ]
"Give me the character and I'll kill him directly."

[Dah~ The pseudo-protagonist has stolen luck, so he only needs to kill the opponent's luck value. In order to make it easier for the host to complete tasks, each world has people with certain identities, and the host should not fight or kill. ! ]

778 warned in time. The data did not show that the host was so dangerous. How could he have such dangerous thoughts?

[Did the little one tell a story? ]

Looking at the endless snacks in the drawer, Mingyue graciously agreed to 778's request.

This is a world where a gentle educated youth goes to the countryside and meets a rough hunter. Originally, the male and female protagonists supported each other, led the village to do business and became rich, and lived a happy life.

It's a pity that the pseudo-protagonist Qin Chuchu was reborn. He thought about his previous life when he failed the college entrance examination, her husband never came back, and she dragged her child to work hard all her life.

Qin Chuchu resented Xia Baolin more and more for being happier than him.

First, Chang Yan was held back, so the second-rate man rescued Xia Baolin naturally, but he didn't expect...

Chang Yan asked to marry Xia Baolin despite the rumors in the village.

Qin Chuchu felt resentful in his heart and turned around to drug Chang Yan. As a result, Chang Yan would rather hurt himself than touch Qin Chuchu.

Qin Chuchu had no choice but to act mischievously, spread rumors in the village, and prove his accusation of being a hooligan, forcing him to marry her.

Chang Yan never thought that Chang Yan would join the army the next day. Qin Chuchu vented his anger on Xia Baolin and paid someone to ruin Xia Baolin's innocence. .

 PS: The first plane is just for transition, you can skip it~ Please ask for a ticket by the way. If anyone sees Gouzi, I would like to thank my family here. If no one sees Gouzi, he will continue to work hard! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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