Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 108 The Alluring Imperial Master (43)

Chapter 108 The Alluring Imperial Master (43)

Unexpectedly, I actually met a noble person.

This little bitchy hoof means good luck.

Mrs. Shen smiled softly, "Who are you going to the capital with, Ayu?"

Shen Yu shook her head, "No one, madam, is my yard still there?"

Mrs. Shen's hands shook, and she realized that the small yard had long been demolished and used as a warehouse. Mrs. Shen rolled her eyes and sighed, "The bandits were killed before. My master and I sent people to the bandits' stronghold to look for you, but no one was found. I thought if you left, the yard would be demolished.”

"But don't worry, I'll have someone clean up a guest room for you right now. You can live there with peace of mind, and I'll build a new one for you when you get back to the yard."

Mrs. Shen's words were so beautiful that Shen Yu could only nod her head, completely caught by Mrs. Shen.

"Ayu came back alone this time?"

Mrs. Shen asked seemingly unintentionally.


Mrs. Shen became more interested and asked a few more questions to find out that Shen Yu was following that gentleman, whether it was some expensive young man from the capital or some general.

If this was the case, someone would have to be invited to the house. Ling'er happened to be at the age of marriage. Shen Yu was so dull that she could be favored by nobles. There was no reason why Ling'er should not be favored.

When the time comes, when Ling'er gets married to the capital, she might soar into the sky. Isn't it true that she can do whatever she wants with the Shen family?
It's a pity that Shen Yu is very strict and refuses to reveal that she is the noble young man from the capital.

Madam Shen was so angry that she asked someone to settle Shen Yu first, rubbing her bulging temples, "Master hasn't come back yet?"


"This old thing is so shameless." Mrs. Shen spat hard. If she didn't have some money, she would not look down on this lecherous old man.

The old slave who follows Mrs. Shen habitually keeps his mouth shut. "Go ahead and invite me. It's a big deal. If you don't come back to the Shen family, you'll be finished."

Shen Yu is living a good life, and if the Shen family is really held accountable for harsh treatment, there is nothing wrong with the Shen family being punished.


This time, Mr. Shen was called back. The disheveled Mr. Shen, with his big belly, staggered as he walked, "Why did you call me back in such a hurry?"

"Your good daughter Shen Yu is back."

"Shen Yu? Who is it?"

Mr. Shen was really confused. He had so many children that he couldn't even think of Shen Yu.

Mrs. Shen sneered, "Who else could it be? Shen Yu, the daughter of your first wife who died long ago, was abducted by bandits. Unexpectedly, she met a noble person in the capital and soared into the sky."

"Is it her? Does she still have such luck?" Mr. Shen finally remembered, and his expression became impatient and serious, "Where is the person?"

"I arranged for someone to stay in the guest room. It seems that she has you as her father in her heart. No matter how much I tell this little girl, she just won't talk about meeting any noble people."

Mrs. Shen spoke earnestly, "You said that if Ling'er can get the favor of this noble man, the Shen family will be able to develop in the capital. By then, won't the Shen family be very prosperous?"

Mr. Shen was very moved when he was told that no one could get along with money. "Okay, I'll ask you about it later when we have dinner."

Before it was time for dinner, the news of Shen Yu's return immediately spread throughout the Shen family. Xiao He, who was serving at Shen Ling's side, was also shocked. The eldest lady was actually back?
Shen Ling nestled in Mrs. Shen's arms. After hearing everything Mrs. Shen said, she was moved, "Mom, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course, mother can still lie to you? When someone is invited into Shen's mansion, can't you make that noble person fascinated by your appearance?"

Shen Ling smiled shyly and charmingly, "She's still pretty as a mother~"

(End of this chapter)

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