Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 13 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (13)

Chapter 13 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (13)

"Simply because it's in their self-interest."

If you just talk about legal knowledge, this group of people will not understand it at all, but when the law is closely related to the lives of this group of people, they all understand it.

I even want to make it clearer, so that I can clearly know whether my own interests are beneficial or damaged.

Xia Baolin nodded, thoughtfully, "It seems that people still have to learn."

Mingyue, "Yeah."

"I will definitely study hard and live up to Comrade Mingyue's cultivation!"

Mingyue said flatly, "If you are ambitious, work hard and eat noodles tonight."

"It just so happens that the chicken soup I stewed can be used. How about I cook a dish?"

Comrade Mingyue has a big appetite, will one dish be missing?How about asking Brother Chang to bring some meat?


"Then I'll call Brother Chang and ask him to bring some meat and vegetables."

Mingyue looked at Xia Baolin with relief, and said in a particularly kind tone, "Okay."

The little girl smiled with crooked eyebrows, not feeling anything wrong at all, and her sparkling eyes were full of admiration.

As night fell, the seductive fragrance floated in the Educated Youth Courtyard. Qin Chuchu looked at the three people eating happily, why did Xia Baolin live better than herself?
She is obviously better looking than Xia Baolin and has a better family background than Xia Baolin. Why does Brother Chang not like her?
"Chu Chu, didn't you have a good time with Xia Baolin before? Why don't you go to dinner?"

The female educated youth in the same yard was extremely greedy, but the meat was obtained legally by the other party, and she didn't even have a way to report it.

Qin Chuchu suppressed the malice in her eyes and looked back with disappointment, "Maybe Paulin doesn't like me."

"What do you mean? Didn't you give Pauline food before?"

Qin Chuchu shook her head, raised her eyelids and said softly, "That was all in the past."

Anyway, Brother Chang asked her to entrust the things to Xia Baolin. Thinking so, Brother Chang fell in love with Xia Baolin at that time.It's a pity that she wasn't reborn at that time, otherwise, she wouldn't have given Xia Baolin this bitch.

"Get some rest early."

As Qin Chuchu returned to the room, he heard that Brother Chang would be looking for a matchmaker tomorrow. Qin Chuchu clenched the powder in his hand.

If Brother Chang still doesn't agree, then don't blame her. As long as she is with Brother Chang in the future, Brother Chang will forgive her sooner or later.

The next day, Xia Baolin left Mingyue's breakfast and rushed to work.

Qin Chuchu took a day off today and dressed up carefully. Combining the experience of his previous life, Qin Chuchu's outfit was indeed beautiful.

Mingyue bit her bun and stared at Qin Chuchu without hesitation, making Qin Chuchu feel scared.

Qin Chuchu shook her head in confusion. It was impossible. She didn't tell anyone about this plan. After calming down, Qin Chuchu stopped caring about Mingyue and walked out the door quickly.

As the saying goes, the hunters live far away from the village, so Qin Chuchu took the small road to avoid trouble.


Qin Chuchu was frightened by the sudden sound, and turned around to see Mingyue following her at some point.

"What are you doing with me?"

Mingyue bit into the apple Xia Baolin prepared for herself, her beautiful peach blossom eyes bright and clear, "This is not your home."

Qin Chuchu choked and didn't want to argue with Mingyue anymore, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

However, before his feet even took half a step, his shoulders were grabbed. Qin Chuchu tried to break free from Ming Yue's control, but the slender white hands on his shoulders were like black iron.

"You! Let me go!"

Qin Chuchu looked cute, her little face flushed, and her eyes stared at the bright moon fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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