Chapter 213 Star Children (31)

"Wanglong, it's bad for your eyes for you to play games so late. You still have to go to school tomorrow, so have a good rest." Stepmother patted Yun Wanglong's shoulder lovingly, "I knew you wanted to eat snacks, these things It’s not healthy for you to eat less, so I’ll cook braised pork ribs for you.”

"I won't eat! I'm so annoyed and you can just leave me alone, okay?"

Yun Wanglong dodged his stepmother's hand impatiently, returned to the room and slammed the door to show his displeasure. He said he was resting, but he wasn't urging him to go to school. What's there to learn?

Sooner or later, he will become an e-sports god, and he will earn millions of endorsements every minute, okay?

The stepmother looked at Yun Wanglong with a look of relief. She didn't think there was anything wrong with this attitude at all. She also sighed in her heart that Yun Wanglong was so strong that it would be more than enough for him to attend an individual school in the future.

In the end, the stepmother made Yun Wanglong a meal of braised pork ribs and bibimbap, sent it to Yun Wanglong's room, and sorted out the trash in the room.

Hearing this, Yun Wanglong rolled his eyes and put on his headphones impatiently. His face was filled with anger, like a dynamite barrel about to be exploded.

The stepmother didn't dare to deal with it anymore. Knowing that Yun Wanglong was in a bad mood, she quietly left and closed the door. When she returned to the room, she saw that Yun's father was sleeping like a pig. She pushed him awake angrily, "Yunduo will be finishing his term soon." Did you pass the exam? Don’t forget your money.”

"I know."

Father Yun mumbled and turned over to continue sleeping.

The stepmother also slept contentedly.

Yun Wanglong poured the braised pork rib rice directly into the trash can. Is this kind of food also given to him?
In the days that followed, Yun Wanglong was almost obsessed with playing games with No. 2, skipping school every day and going to the Internet cafe. When the teacher found out, he directly invited his parents.

The stepmother was shocked. How could her good son do such a thing? !

Upon further investigation, I found out that Yun Wanglong did this kind of thing because of a gaming sister. The stepmother got angry, grabbed Yun Wanglong's cell phone and pointed it at No. 2.

Every word was hard to hear, and Yun Wanglong felt hot all over, as if everyone in the office was looking at him with contempt.

Yun Wanglong was shaking with anger, and finally exploded when his stepmother deleted Friend No. 2, "Are you sick? Who asked you to delete it?!"

"I, I am Wanglong, she is a vixen, you must not believe her, you are still young, study is the most important thing..."

"Go away! Who wants you to pretend to be kind?"

Yun Wanglong pushed his stepmother away, grabbed the phone, rushed out of the school, and reapplied to be friends with his two good sisters.

However, after adding several times, sister No. 2 did not agree. Yun Wanglong's eyes were red with anxiety, and his hands were shaking by the end of the addition. Only then did No. 2 agree to the friend application.

Yun Wanglong's heart, which had been up and down, finally returned to its original position. He felt a series of voice inputs, explaining that this was not what he thought, it was all his own fault!
Sister No. 2: Got it.

The indifferent Yun Wanglong proposed to add WeChat friends, and No. 2 agreed.

Yun Wanglong was overjoyed and directly sent a thousand red envelopes to No. 2. He only stopped after sending ten thousand red envelopes. "Baby, don't be angry. I have plenty of money. Believe me, I won't be able to do this to you even if I die." manner!"

No. 2 sent a voice message. Yun Wanglong clicked on it and heard the sound of No. 2 crying out of breath. He could imagine the grievances of No. [-], "You, don't cry. My brother feels sorry for you when you cry."

"I know it's not my brother's fault, but my mother's words are too hurtful. I can't ask for this money."

 Chapter 18 of Star Children has lifted the ban on quq’s big love treasures?

(End of this chapter)

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