Chapter 256 Farming and doing business (7)

"Don't rush."

Mingyue raised her foot to erase the words she just wrote. She held her feather fan and read the sixteen words while writing. "Read what I wrote a few times and come to me when you can read smoothly."

"Good sister."

He Caisheng squatted on the ground, his lips opened up and down, and he kept reciting what Mingyue said.

Mingyue got up and went to the kitchen, and He Nian happened to bring out a plate of chicken. "Miss Mingyue, wash your hands and prepare to eat. You go sit in the hall and I will bring it to you."

"It's troublesome."

Mingyue obediently scooped up a ladle of water and rinsed her hands, then went to the hall and calmly found a chair to sit down on.

He Nian placed the chicken on the side of Mingyue, and went to the kitchen to bring cooked mushrooms and fried tofu. She was careful not to use oil when cooking, so every dish looked full of color, flavor and flavor.

He Ruyi also brought the baked cakes to He Nian, and He Nian went to put four bowls of rice and put them on the table, "Caisheng, wash your hands and eat, why are you squatting outside?"


He Caisheng responded, washed his hands and ran to the front hall, finding a seat away from Mingyue Jin and sitting down.

When everyone was seated, He Caisheng immediately gave Mingyue a chicken drumstick, with an attentive smile on his face, "Sister, you eat, I'll eat after you finish!"

He Nian clicked his chopsticks and dropped them to the ground in shock.

what's the situation?
Her naughty little brother actually took the initiative to pick up chicken legs for outsiders to eat?

Only then did He Caisheng notice that something was wrong with He Nian, with a serious look on his face, "Sister, I have decided to serve my sister from now on. I want to study and read and go to the capital to make money!"

"...Good ambition."

So that's it, she said why her brother had been staying outside just now and didn't even come in to the kitchen to cook chicken and even thought about trying a piece of meat.

He Nian smiled apologetically at Mingyue and said, "It's too troublesome for you, Miss Mingyue. If you want to eat anything in the future, just come to me and I'll make sure it's delivered to you."

"What's the matter? I'll ask Guard Lin to deliver food every day from now on. You can watch and do it."


The table was full of people eating happily, and suddenly a cry came from outside the door, "Hey little girl, where are you eating? What are you eating? It tastes so good."

The joy on He Nian's face faded, but he couldn't help but smile stiffly at Mingyue, "Miss Mingyue, keep eating, I'll go out and take a look."

It must be her wonderful grandma who brought her uncle's young son to find her again. When she traveled back in time to receive her memories, the most fortunate thing was that her original parents passed away.

From the original memory, she felt that the original life was very aggrieved. He's father was the eldest son of the family, and even though the He family was not favored, he was also very stupid and filial. Everything for food and use was given to Grandpa He's family.

As a result, He's father and mother never had enough to eat. When they went to work in the fields, they fainted from hunger and their heads were hit squarely on a stone and died on the spot.

Later, Yuan Shen was so frightened that she developed a high fever. The first thing she forced herself to do was to separate the family.

The members of the He family were also smart enough to realize that the three of them were children, could not do any work, and had too much to eat, so it would be easy to divide the family.

So, she took her younger siblings and lived in a small house at the foot of the mountain under the witness of the village chief. Her life was the most miserable at first, but she gradually got better.

Unexpectedly, what did the He family, who had never come to visit before, come to visit this time?
He Nian's mind was spinning quickly, and he quickly thought of the reason. It seemed that the news that Mingyue was staying at her house had spread throughout the village, and he was afraid that he wanted to see if there was any autumn wind to fight.

Grandma He sniffed the fragrant smell of chicken in the air, and inevitably swallowed a mouthful of saliva. What a damn girl. She didn't know how to give them some after roasting the chicken. She was not filial to an elder at all!
(End of this chapter)

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