Grandma He said nothing, put her hands behind her back, and walked straight in.

The second aunt was stunned for a moment, what do you mean?
Did you get any good stuff?
She didn't dare to worry about Grandma He's misfortune, so she could only go out with the little meat dumpling and spread a little sugar on it. "Dabao, you and grandma went out and saw that bitch. Did you see what grandma received?" ?”

"No, grandma won't let me eat meat. Mom, go and beat grandma!"

The little meathead squinted his eyes and licked the sugar on his lips.

"You really didn't give it? Then what did your grandma say to that bitch? Tell your mother and she will steam meat for you tonight."

Xiaoroudun's eyes lit up and he explained everything he remembered, "The bitch said that the noble man conquered He Caisheng and was not easy to mess with. Grandma was afraid and came back."

"It's that simple?"

The second aunt muttered, "That shouldn't be the case. The people in the village didn't say that the nobles here had good tempers. Why did they keep that brat He Caisheng in uniform?"
"By the way, that bitch said that He Caisheng wanted to study." The little meathead finished licking the sugar at the corner of his mouth and chewed on it, "Mom, I want to study too!"


Why do you deserve to be a scholar just because of your talent?

There have been no scholars in Dahe Village for decades. It would cost a lot of money. It is better to work in the fields to earn more usefulness.

"No, you're not allowed to go to that bitch's house in the future, you know?"

The depression in the second aunt's heart dissipated a little. Why did she think that she was almost reaching the age of haircut and instead of thinking about getting married, she wanted to provide for her child to study?After all, it’s because I’m young and can’t see clearly.

Little Roudun didn't understand, but his mother's expression was so scary, so he nodded hastily.

The second aunt then carried the person in, and her eldest son was still obedient.

In the afternoon, the village was lively again. It was said that the nobleman who came in the morning led a carriage into the village, and he was followed by several guards. He was very impressive.Liu Zhenzhen peeled the beans and listened quietly to her family gathered around to talk about the new nobleman in the village, "System, I remember that there is no such thing in the book, right?"

[Yes, don’t pay too much attention to the characters with only a few strokes. ]
The electronic sound of the system is very cold.

Liu Zhenzhen snorted and asked hesitantly, "System, are you sure that as long as I steal the lead from the heroine, you can send me home, and then after I go back, the heroine will start over again, right?"

System, [is the host. ]
Liu Zhenzhen felt a little relieved. Although she still felt weird, she hoped the system didn't lie to her.

She didn't like this ancient time at all. She didn't have anything to ask for. She didn't have enough to eat or wear or keep warm. Girls had a low status and were often beaten and scolded.

While reading, she admired He Nian for how he had made his own way and trained a future chief assistant, He Caisheng. Even the most timid He Ruyi was discovered by He Nian for his talent in studying medicine and eventually became the country's No. [-] doctor. A female doctor.

[Host, please trust the system and don’t be suspicious and suspicious at all times, which will damage our mutual trust. ]
The system's warning made Liu Zhenzhen gather her thoughts and said, "I got it."

The system stared at Liu Zhenzhen's data coldly. If he wasn't in urgent need of energy, he wouldn't be bound to such an idiot.

Guard Lin took the bedding and put it in Mingyue's room, "Sir, where do you put these things?"

The room He Nian prepared was too small, and there was no place to put clothes. Guard Lin couldn't put clothes on the ground.

"Just put it on the carriage, no one will take it."

Mingyue took out Wenmo, paper and pen from the box she brought, and waved to the two little guys who were hiding timidly behind the pillar.

Okay, okay, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! ! ! !
Finally, please vote please vote please vote! ! !

Love you guys! ! ! (Very loudly) Huh! ! !

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