Chapter 264 Farming and doing business (15)

Turns out, this hope was false!

Liu Zhenzhen's mentality collapsed, her tears couldn't stop flowing, and her howling resounded through the sky.

Mingyue covered her ears silently, waiting for Liu Zhenzhen's mood to stabilize.

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Zhenzhen's voice was hoarse from crying, and her eyes were as swollen as walnuts, "Then what should I do?"

"I can take the system out of your head so you don't have to be controlled by it anymore."

Liu Zhenzhen was silent.

Mingyue was not in a hurry, and slowly poured herself a cup of tea to soothe her throat.

"I agree."

Mingyue raised the corners of her lips, and grabbed the top of her head with her slender white hands.

Liu Zhenzhen didn't even react. She thought she had to go through all kinds of excruciating pain and then peel off the system, but it turned out to be that simple?
"Is this the end?"


Mingyue rubbed the small ball of light in her hand. Liu Zhenzhen was out of the system and couldn't hear what the system said, but she could hear it.

[Sir, please be merciful. As long as you keep me, I will definitely bring you more wealth and rights. We can bind a contract and I can give you whatever you need! ]
The system was suddenly pulled out of Liu Zhenzhen's mind, so frightened that the data almost became chaotic.

Who the hell is this person, picking off the system with his bare hands? !
Could it be someone from the Space and Time Bureau?
It's impossible. The Space and Time Bureau has developed so much that it can steal the system quietly?
Mingyue looked at the absent-minded Liu Zhenzhen, "You go back first."

Liu Zhenzhen sniffed and nodded, her voice full of despair, "Okay, sir."

All she can think about now is that she can't go back, she can't go back...

"Tell me about it. If you are satisfied with the purpose of collecting luck, I will let you go." The light on the system suddenly faded, and then analyzed how much trust Mingyue said.

But he made a mistake. He was the one who controlled life and death. Mingyue pinched him gently, and his light ball cracked several holes.

[To resurrect someone! ]

[I don’t know, originally I was a system of the Space and Time Bureau, but then I got tired of binding the host to do tasks, until one day I came into contact with a renegade system.

I escorted this rebellious system and learned that they were seizing luck to resurrect a person. I was curious and looking for excitement, so I let the system go and joined them.

However, I have always been at the bottom and have no access to upper-level secrets. I only know that this person is very important, and the Space and Time Bureau has recently been dispatched to arrest many systems. ]
Mingyue played with the light ball, lowered her eyes and said nothing.

The system couldn't figure out what Mingyue meant, so it saw the right moment and planned to run away.

As a result, he ran into a man's arms. When the system saw the familiar beauty of the Space and Time Bureau, it jumped up and down anxiously and yelled at Mingyue, "Didn't you say let me go?! You liar!"

"I let you go, not him."

Mingyue's hands were paralyzed, and it was natural.

The man did not let the system continue to speak, put it into a cloth bag, stared at the lazy Mingyue indifferently, frowned slightly, "Don't come into contact with the traitor system."

"I'm in contact, so what?"

Jiuyan said nothing. His slender figure exuded a low pressure, his jawline was very tight, his eyes showed a touch of contempt, and his thin lips parted slightly, "The Space and Time Bureau does not lack people with incredible luck like you. , don’t be too self-righteous.”

Mingyue smiled brightly. She stood up, her peach-blossom eyes were deep, and there was a biting coldness hidden in them. Her red lips were slightly opened, and she uttered four words like words, "Self-righteous?"

(End of this chapter)

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