She has no intention of farming all her life. Once all the rice grown in the land is harvested, she plans to rent the land to others. And what can this small body like He Caisheng do to help her?
He Caisheng, "I will let my sister and sister live a good life!"

"it is good!"

He Nian pinched He Caisheng's face as if to reward him.

Mingyue interrupted this warm and harmonious scene lazily, "I'm going to eat somewhere else today, do you want to eat?"

He Nian refused, "No, I can just heat up some steamed buns and eat them."

"Okay, then you guys are busy, I'm leaving."

Mingyue left without any hesitation.

He Caisheng helped He Nian into the house, "I'll do it while you rest."

"It's just a sprained foot. It's not a big problem. You are so young, can you make a fire?"

I think that when she came to this world, she didn't understand how to make a fire in a farmhouse's earthen stove. It took her a few days to become so proficient.

There was a hint of disgust in He Caisheng's eyes, "Sister, I started cooking when I was five years old, but you never let me do it."

Speaking of this, he found it strange that his sister was very ill and was very kind to them when she woke up. She didn't let them do many things for fear that they would get hurt.

"Sister, you can rest peacefully and I will too."

He Ruyi also spoke out to prove it.

He Nian silently reflected on whether she was overprotecting these two children, but from her perspective, she really couldn't bear to let two seven-year-old children work.

But in Dahe Village, a place where the whole village is poor, almost every family with children who can walk helps with the family work.

There are only a few families who enslave the girls to death if they can't bear to let the boys work. They say that they will get married sooner or later, so it is better to help the family do more work sooner rather than later.

He Nian sighed, "I understand. From now on, we will share the work at home together."

"it is good!"

The two little guys nodded obediently.

He Nian was forced to rest and could only watch the two of them heading towards the kitchen.

The Liu family - the ten members of the Liu family depended on each other in fear, except for Liu Zhenzhen who looked like a wandering ghost.

"Is one tael enough to buy a meal?"

Mingyue spread out a small piece of broken silver in her palm.

Mother Liu bent over and said, "That's enough."

Mingyue smiled and handed the money to Liu's mother, looking at Liu Zhenzhen, "I want to chat with her for a few words."

The Liu family instantly looked at Liu Zhenzhen. Could it be that they wanted to cause trouble for Zhenzhen? !

Liu Zhenzhen nodded, "Go to my room."

When Father Liu saw the child's paralyzed face, he was afraid of offending the nobleman, so he coughed and said, "Zhenzhen, treat him well."


Can't go back...Can't go back...

Liu Zhenzhen's eyes were dull and she couldn't hear what Liu's father said at all, so she dealt with Liu's father instinctively.

Mingyue followed in with a smile. Everyone in the Liu family looked forward eagerly, with their necks stretched out to peer in. They were afraid that the child would go crazy again and scare the noble man. What should he do?
"Do you want to go back?"

Liu Zhenzhen's eyes moved, and she said dullly: "I want to, but you say you can't."

"It didn't work before, but now it does."

The corners of Mingyue's lips curled up. She was not sure before, until someone from the Space and Time Bureau appeared and asked her to confirm a situation. Now Liu Zhenzhen was asked to do this experiment.


Liu Zhenzhen's whole figure seemed to come to life. Can she go home? !

"Really, but there is a chance that you will go back, but your body will be dead. Maybe someone will find you buried."

Liu Zhenzhen was silent. Yes, it had been a month since she came to this world. It was still unknown whether her body was still alive or not.

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