"Thank you Miss He for saving your life."

Gong Yu's head was wrapped with a cloth, and his face was still pale, but he still saluted He Nian.

He Nian smiled and waved his hand, handing over a note for the miscellaneous expenses that had been spent on him these days, "Settlement of the expenses and we will settle the matter."

Gong Yu put it into his arms without even looking at it. He had handsome features, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He nodded with a smile, "Of course, I just don't have money for the time being. I'll put this half of the jade pendant with the girl first. I'll come back to pick it up the next day." , and bring the money to the girl by the way."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Although the jade pendant was half broken, it was in excellent condition. Even if the sixth prince didn't return it, she should be able to get a few taels of silver if she sold it.

"When night comes, I will leave and won't disturb the girl's family."

Although I don't know why the assassin sent by the third brother has not found him yet, but with his identity, staying here for one more day will bring another day of danger to the He family.

He Nian was very satisfied with Gong Yu's suggestion. He made some meat and fish dishes in the evening and gave two big cakes to Gong Yu. "I thought you were a thief and hit you on the head. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not."

Gong Yu carried it on his back, turned around and left without looking back.

Seeing Gong Yu leave with her own eyes, the stone in He Nian's heart finally fell, and she decided to set up a stall tomorrow!

Early the next morning, when the sky was dark, He Nian was already busy in the kitchen. He Nian rolled out the fermented dough, filled it with fillings, kneaded it into shape, and steamed it in one go.

The two little cubs were still in a daze when they came to the kitchen. Seeing that their sister was already busy working, they rushed to help.

"Caisheng, you can send this to sister Mingyue's house later, and give a copy to your husband by the way, do you understand?"

He Nian really didn't know how to thank Mingyue. Not only did he send Caisheng a book of enlightenment, but he also specially invited a gentleman. Although the gentleman was dressed in a slightly embarrassed manner, his elegant demeanor was unparalleled.

Moreover, what made her most grateful was that Mingyue also hired a doctor for He Ruyi to study medicine with him.

"I know, I'll go right now."

He Caisheng left with two food boxes in his arms.

He Ruyi and He Nian pushed the trolley and covered the steaming buns coming out of the oven with quilts to prevent air leakage. "Ruyi, you are riding in the car. The road is slippery and wet. Your master has mysophobia. Don't get scolded." "

"It doesn't matter. I brought a pair of shoes and I want to help my sister push the cart."

He Ruyi shook his head firmly, and his little figure pushed the cart hard.

He Nian couldn't stop laughing when he saw it, and felt very distressed. Ruyi was skinny before she wore it, and she looked half shorter than her peers. Now that she's here, she has only put on a little bit of flesh.

This little figure is no taller than the wheel of a cart, and I still feel sorry for her. It's great to have such a sister.

After Mingyue finished the breakfast brought by He Caisheng, she glanced at He Caisheng and the teacher who were really studying, and ordered: "Xiao Lin, prepare the carriage to go to town."


Guard Lin drove a carriage to a stop and waited for Mingyue to sit on it before driving the horse.

The mountain road was muddy, and the carriage wheels got stuck in the mud halfway. Guard Lin shoveled a few shovels of sand and put them under the wheels. Mingyue stood aside and watched Guard Lin push again.

The carriage didn't move at all, and Guard Lin gasped, "Sir, the carriage can't move."

"Then you stay here and watch. I'll drive my horse to the town first."

Mingyue untied the horse's reins and quickly got on the horse, "I really can't move. You can handle it."

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