Chapter 28: Dirty Actress (4)

Jiang Shengyan looked at Shang Wan lovingly, like he was looking at a little wild cat with fried hair.

Why didn't he think Ah Wan was so cute before?
"Okay, okay, no matter what, I have to thank Ah Wan for taking time out of his busy schedule to come see me. What does Ah Wan want?"

"I don't want your stuff."

Shang Wan's anger subsided a little, and he snorted arrogantly. Thinking of the situation just now, he glanced at Jiang Shengyan worriedly, "Did you encounter something in business?"

Jiang Shengyan buried his head on Shang Wan's shoulder and smiled softly. The little wildcat said he wasn't worried about him.

"Why are you laughing? I don't mean anything else, it's just that we are still engaged, and I don't want you to affect the business!"

Fried hair again.

Jiang Shengyan held Shang Wan's little face in his hands and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little thing. Have you eaten yet?"

"Of course I did."

"Really? Then it's up to me to eat."

As the president, in addition to a large office, he also has a single room.

Shang Wan was suddenly picked up and was so frightened that she hugged Jiang Shengyan's neck, "You, what are you doing?"

Jiang Shengyan's eyes became darker and darker, staring straight at Shang Wan, his voice was hoarse and sexy, "What else can you do?"


Here the two of them applauded for their love, but over there Wen Qianyi was so worried that she didn't know what to do. If Li Zhuo didn't come to sign the contract, she wouldn't be able to play this role, otherwise she would be taking a private job.

When the time comes, she will have to pay again, and she won't be able to pay out a penny.

"You haven't left yet?"

Mingyue was eating her last pack of crispy noodles when she saw Wen Qianyi sitting on the steps, his eyes dull and his face ashen.

"Ming, Director Ming, my agent will be here soon. I, I..."

Wen Qianyi stood up and said stumblingly, his fingers holding the phone white.

Mingyue looked at the heroine of this world. The total number of her body was less than [-], and her appearance was not stunning, but her facial features were regular, and she was the type who became more and more beautiful the more she looked at her.Probably because he was severely suppressed and rushed back and forth to the theater and hospital, his skin was a bit rough and his eyes were filled with gray.

"How much is your liquidated damages?"

Wen Qianyi looked at Mingyue blankly, "Huh?"

"Liquidated damages, didn't you sign a contract with Jiang Entertainment?"


Wen Qianyi lowered her head and said that Brother Li was very kind to her at first, and she also liked acting and took on a few transparent roles.

Until one time when she went to a banquet, she felt something was wrong and ran away. She somehow got into a room. Although her innocence was still there, she was suppressed and blocked from now on.

She didn’t know who she had offended at the banquet, but she asked Brother Li, who advised her to forget it and quit the circle.

But how can she retreat?She couldn't pay back the liquidated damages even if she risked her life.

"How about you come to our company? I want to build an entertainment company, and I will pay the liquidated damages for you."


Wen Qian was shocked for the second time.

What did she hear?

What she experienced today couldn't be a dream. That's why she got the lead female role, and then the famous director had to pay liquidated damages on her behalf.

Thinking this, Wen Qianyi slapped himself in the face. It hurt. It was not a dream!

Mingyue looked at Wen Qianyi as if she was looking at a lunatic, what are you doing, what are you doing, how could a good person go crazy?
She slapped her with all her strength, and Wen Qianyi was so painful that tears fell down, "Director Ming, can I ask why?"

"No." Mingyue smiled toothily, "So whether you come or not, you will be hidden by the company anyway."

"But, I have nothing, and I don't know how to repay you."

Wen Qian also knew that there would be no pie in the sky, but she was really poor. Is it worth Mingyue's effort?

(End of this chapter)

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