Chapter 290 Refuse to Suspend (9)

Su Xueer felt a little unhappy when she saw her master's eyes following Jing Yao, but she didn't dare to act rashly.

Xie Si could only accept another female disciple named Song Qin, and the last one was accepted by other elders.

The apprentice selection meeting was over, and the masters from each family led their freshly trained apprentices back to their respective peaks.

Jing Yao followed Mingyue to Qingyue Peak. Qingyue Peak had plenty of spiritual energy, but was extremely cold and didn't even have any attendants.

Mingyue pointed to a courtyard, "If you live here from now on, what kind of Tao will you practice?"

"Back to master, this disciple cultivates the ruthless way."

Jing Yao replied indifferently, she has miscellaneous spiritual roots, and other ways of cultivating are unable to take shape, or even slow.

Mingyue flipped through the space ring and handed Jing Yao a dusty secret book, "This is for you. When you realize it, come back to me."

Jing Yao solemnly took the secret book and said, "Thank you, master."

Mingyue stared at Jing Yao with bright eyes, "By the way, can you cook?"

Jing Yao shook his head in confusion, "No."

"Oh, then you can practice."

Jing Yao: "..." If I read it correctly, there was a hint of disgust in her master's eyes?
Isn’t it because of talent, or is it because you don’t know how to cook?
The heroine didn't know how to cook, so it was boring. Mingyue left without any regrets and went to the canteen of the Xingchen Immortal Sect, which was specially used for the disciples of the outer sect who had not yet made a living.

Mingyue's arrival caused an uproar. What shocked them most was that Master Mingyue actually came to eat?Does such a big boss still need to eat?
Curious eyes fell on Mingyue. Mingyue turned a blind eye and tasted almost all the food in the cafeteria. The taste was very average, not even as good as Zhuji's roasted rabbit.

Mingyue's meal was tasteless, so she decisively went to Zhuji's peak and carried Zhuji back to Qingyue Peak.

"Grilled fish."

Mingyue took out a few random fish and placed them in front of Zhuji.

Zhu Ji twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the lively and jumping fish in front of him. Just because of this matter, did he dig him out of bed?
"Although you are better than me, can you respect me a little? I am also a master after all!"

Zhuji tried to protest, he is the master!Not a cook! "God-Breaking Pill."

Zhuji's expression moved slightly, "No!"He will never compromise!


Zhu Ji beamed with joy, showing a dog-legged smile, "Hey, aren't we just grilling a fish? Just wait, I'll grill it for you right away!"

He has been stuck in the middle god stage for hundreds of years. With Mingyue's God-Breaking Pill, he can definitely step into the great god stage!

Mingyue hummed, casually threw the God-breaking Pill to Zhuji, and stared intently at Zhuji's action of grilling fish.

"I won't steal food, you don't need to keep an eye on me."

Mingyue gave Zhu Ji a contemptuous look, which made Zhu Ji almost drop his burden on the spot, if it weren't for the temptation of the God-Breaking Pill in his arms.

"I'm looking at the fish."

That bastard actually followed him all the way. No, as long as she didn't admit it, there was no such thing.

Zhu Ji processed a fish in just a few seconds, and used his spiritual power to build a grill. Zhu Ji quickly skewered the fish on the wooden sticks, and placed three more fish in a row before starting to grill them slowly.

He became more and more skilled in controlling the heat, and Zhuji did not forget to sprinkle some salt on the fish to enhance the flavor, "Where did this fish come from?"

"It's from the Lingchi Pond." Mingyue took a bite of the grilled fish.


Zhu Ji stiffened, "Spiritual pool? Which spiritual pool?"

"Tianyao Lingchi."

Zhuji breathed a sigh of relief, okay okay, it's not the spiritual pool in his mountain peak, it's Tianyao, wait, Tianyao? !

(End of this chapter)

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