"Okay, what's the fuss about?"

Mingyue appeared leisurely, with a smile on her lips.

Jing Yao bowed and apologized in one breath, "I'm sorry, master."

"It's out of the way, good fight."

Ming Yue smiled tenderly, and Jing Yao also breathed a sigh of relief. Only A Yue could achieve this injured world.

However, Jing Yao still looked at Ah Yue hesitantly, "Master, who is she?"

"I'm not familiar with you, naughty kid. Don't worry about it."

The speed of denial is comparable to protecting food, and when it's over, he nods in approval.

Ah Yue felt as if an arrow had been shot in her heart.

"Oh, then the apprentice is going to practice first."

Jing Yao returned to his previous indifferent attitude and waited until Mingyue agreed before leaving.

Mingyue carried the petrified Ah Yue back to Qingyue Peak, "Okay, isn't it just a beating? Have you not been beaten enough?"

"How can it be the same? I am her ancestor, and everyone in heaven should respect me. She actually dared to hit me because you were there just now to limit my abilities!"

What was her identity, and what was that person's identity? If the guardian hadn't been by her side, would that person have wanted to beat her up? !
"Come on, come on, come here and try yelling again?"

It's amazing, the naughty kid wants to go to heaven.

After treating Ah Yue to a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots, Ah Yue crawled on the ground completely helpless, like a cabbage destroyed by the wind and snow.

"Calm down?"

Mingyue panted, the naughty child was hard to train with his rough skin and thick flesh.

"Humph~" Ah Yue uttered a syllable from her nasal cavity.

Mingyue didn't care either, leaning lazily on the lazy chair, "You have a frizzy temperament that still needs to be tempered. The responsibility you bear is not for you to do whatever you want."

"These worlds are mine, why can't I?" If she wants to live in this world, then this world will live. If she doesn't want to live in this world, then this world will be destroyed!

The corners of Mingyue's lips rose again. She looked at the speech of the naughty boy Tianliang Wangba below and muttered a few words, "The naughty boy is disobedient..."

Ah Yue:?
"Just give him a beating."

Ah Yue:? ?

Ah Yue, who was beaten again, gave in and just lay down on the ground, rolling around and acting like a rogue, "You are just taking advantage of me! When I grow up, you will be finished! It's finished!"

"Wait until you grow up."

Mingyue shrugged, not caring at all, and even wanted to go to the foot of the mountain to have a big meal to reward herself.

Three years passed like a snap of the fingers. During this period, Ah Yue had to eat a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots on average every three days. Later, Ah Yue figured out a pattern and was beaten once a week.

But Ah Yue refused to give up, always jumping around in Ming Yue's minefield. For example, Ah Yue found spicy green paste from nowhere and smeared it on the food she brought to Ming Yue.

But that night, Ming Yue stuffed ten tubes of mustard into Ah Yue's mouth. Seeing Ah Yue burst into tears, she nodded with satisfaction, "Silly, can I not see this little trick?"

"Master Mingyue."

In the past three years, relying on the God-Breaking Pill, Zhuji has reached the level of a great god. Unexpectedly, he saw a child when he came to Qingyue Peak for the first time.

"Which family is this child?"

Ah Yue poured water into her mouth and rinsed her mouth. She glared at Zhu Ji's words, what kind of kid?Is she a child because she is short?

"Ignore her, what do you want from me?"

Only then did Zhu Ji look away, winking at the end of his eyes and smiling charmingly, "I got news that the secret realm of the deep sea has been opened. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Okay, I'll grab some seafood to try when the time comes."

Mingyue's eyes lit up. She hadn't eaten seafood for a long time. Seafood with spiritual power must be more delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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