Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 3 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (3)

Chapter 3 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (3)

"I just came here and heard you vaguely talking about marriage. What's going on?"

Mingyue glanced at Xia Baolin and started talking at the scene.

"Comrade police, Xia Zhiqing accidentally fell into the water and was rescued by Goudan."

"Yes, Wang Goudan was hugged and touched in the water. We also persuaded Xia Zhiqing to marry him for the sake of the woman's family's innocence and reputation."

"That's right, no matter what, Wang Goudan saved Xia Zhiqing's life."

Xia Baolin suppressed her anger and looked at the speaker. She said it was for her own good but he pushed her into the fire pit!

"Xia Zhiqing will not marry Wang Goudan. I will give Wang Goudan 50 yuan and I will marry Xia Zhiqing!"

Chang Yan couldn't listen anymore, looked at everyone coldly, and stood firmly beside Xia Baolin.

He was an Orion, so no one suspected that he couldn't come up with 50 yuan. Naturally, no one raised an eyebrow at Chang Yan, for fear that he would punch him.

Wang Goudan was not happy. He didn't spend a penny to marry a beautiful wife, which was a better deal than getting 50 yuan.

"Impossible, Xia Baolin is already mine!"

Qin Chuchu finally let go of her worries. With the scoundrel Wang Goudan here, Xia Baolin would not be able to marry Brother Chang so easily.

This time she will definitely marry Brother Chang. When Brother Chang returns from joining the army, she will be the chief's wife!

Xia Baolin was so disgusted by Wang Goudan, "I won't marry you. At worst, I will jump into the river and give you my life back, but I won't marry you!"

Turning around, Xia Baolin looked at Chang Yan with tears in her eyes. Even if she and Brother Chang truly loved each other, they were destined to be together. She couldn't drag him down.


Chang Yan quickly stopped Xia Baolin who was seeking death.

When Wang Goudan saw the two of them having sex, he felt like a cuckold, and angrily yelled: "Well, Xia Baolin, you are already my woman, and you still dare to have sex with others! Do you have any shame?" "As the saying goes, please comfort Xia Baolin. The anger accumulated from years of hunting is not something Wang Goudan can bear, "Apologise to Paulin!"

Wang Goudan is just a gangster who eats and drinks. When he was stared at by Chang Yan's murderous eyes, his legs were as weak as noodles. If someone hadn't supported him, he would have fallen to the ground on the spot, holding his neck and blushing.

"Who am I to apologize? I was right! You two should have been arrested for hooking up!"

Hearing the joking sounds around him, Wang Goudan became even more angry, and turned to point the conflict at Xia Baolin, "Xia Baolin, are you worthy of me saving you? Your body is mine, and no one but me will marry an innocent woman like you. !”


As the saying goes, if you have a fist as big as a sandbag, you will punch the king's egg.

Mingyue raised her hand and stopped lightly.

"Have you forgotten my existence?"

Wang Goudan immediately straightened his back and looked at Chang Yan provocatively, "The police are here to see what you do!"

Mingyue's voice was calm, "Did you save her?"

Wang Goudan looked at Xia Baolin proudly. The police all stood on his side and replied loudly, "Yes!"

With the police testifying, he didn't believe that he couldn't marry Xia Baolin.

"You saved someone and you forced the little girl to marry you?"

Wang Goudan, who was not aware of the trap at all, replied very proudly, "Who else but me would marry such an innocent woman?"

Ming Yue curled her lips and smiled, her dark pupils hiding endless coldness, and a silver bracelet was placed on Wang Goudan's hand.

"You dare to force a little girl to marry you in front of me. Will you become a big landowner tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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