Xie Si frowned when he heard this, but before he could say anything, Zhu Ji who was standing next to him came over with a whoosh, "What do you mean forget it? Isn't that fate? Disciples from other sects are not fate? If Xingchen Xianmen is so cold-blooded, how can he still sit here? The leader of the ancient sect that stabilizes the wilderness?"

The elder's face turned red, "The secret realm of the deep sea is inherently dangerous, and life and death are destiny!"


"Wait, they're out."

Xie Si pulled Zhuji and looked at the sea.

"What is this? A palace or a tomb?"

Zhuji murmured. The huge shadow of the palace rising from the sea was frightening. I saw a lion and stone elephant come to life in the sea before. It lazily licked its paws. Its big copper bell eyes were full of contempt.

Jing Yao and Ah Yue walked out hugging each other. Seeing so many people, they subconsciously looked for Ming Yue.


Ah Yue let go of Jing Yao's hand and angrily overturned the simple oven Ming Yue built, "Where did you really leave me?!"

Looking at the seafood scattered on the floor, the smile on Mingyue's lips disappeared, and she carried Ah Yue's figure and left directly.

"What are you still doing there? Go back to Qingyue Peak and wait for me."

A cold voice sounded in Jing Yao's ears, and she left without thinking.

"There's someone else coming out there, who is it? How could it be... that they are actually people who entered the secret realm 500 years ago, and they are not dead?"

Disciples from 500 years ago obviously attracted more attention, and various sects stepped forward to claim their disciples.

The leader didn't care about Jing Yao who left, and organized people to go to the secret place to see if there was anything missing.

"You still want to hit me? You gave up on me first!"

Ah Yue bit Ming Yue's wrist, and warm blood dripped onto the ground.

Mingyue let go of Ah Yue, and looked at the fierce-looking bastard calmly, with a faint smile on her bright red lips, "Silly."


"The guardian will tell you a truth today. Don't risk your life on the pity of others. This is the stupidest thing to do."

"But you are me, I am you, you shouldn't give up on me!"

Mingyue snorted, "You are wrong. I am me, but you are not necessarily you."

Ah Yue bit her lips until they turned white, and stared at the bright moon with red eyes.

Above the void, the two of them were silently arguing. Ah Yue smiled slightly, watching Mingyue's black hair turn white in an instant, "You are getting old."

Mingyue didn't care. She hooked her fingers and Ah Yue flew towards her uncontrollably, "Elders are elders and must not be rude."

Jing Yao waited obediently at Qingyue Peak, thinking a lot. She did not expect that she had inherited the inheritance of the Siren.

"Did you get the inheritance?"

Mingyue's voice was full of exhaustion, followed by Ah Yue with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Jing Yao looked at Mingyue's hair and quickly lowered his head, "Yes."

"This is the Marrow Cleansing Pill. Your Five Spirit Root talents are still there, but the impurities in your body are washed away. This secret book is in line with the way you cultivate."

Mingyue took out a lot of things and put them in front of Jing Yao, regardless of whether the other party could understand them or not, "I will be going out in the next few days. The return date has not been determined. I hope you can break through the great masters next time I come back."

"Yes, thank you Master." Jing Yao hesitated, but finally asked, "Master, your hair?"

"Oh, I'm just old, I'm leaving."

Mingyue looked calm, not surprised at her own changes, and gently touched Jing Yao's head, "Practice well."

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