"Director Li is very smart, and he is also very afraid of death. Before he died, he specially divided a ray of consciousness into a system, which is the 778 model system.

But he didn't expect that I would find out. I erased his consciousness, but the 778 model was still affected. I tried to destroy it to avoid accidents.

It was you who suddenly gave me an instruction. I decided to seal it up and then start dealing with the void matter until the void incident comes to an end.

The small world suddenly heard the news of world destruction. I had to follow the message you sent me and send an email. I didn't expect you to really rush over.

I don’t know what happened in the middle. I only know that you took a child and left the small world, and the small world returned to stability. After that, it is now, 9000 years ago. "

Mingyue's fingers were slightly bent and rested on the sofa chair. Her expression was so calm that the director could not understand Mingyue's intention at all.

"That's my spirit body."

The director was stunned, "What?"

“Director Li’s incident made me realize that it is easy for others to take advantage of me if I go through the weak period alone and the blank period after that, like a newborn baby.

Therefore, when I passed on the inheritance, I stripped off my spirit body and almost destroyed the small world. The child was my spirit body, but that child fell into the small world and became an orphan, with no power but no one to discipline him.

Coupled with the catastrophe that caused the destruction of thousands of small worlds, she carried a lot of cause and effect for me. The way of heaven subconsciously rejects people with evil obstacles, which caused her to suffer a lot and she started to think about destroying the world.

And you were able to contact me. It was the last trace of my spiritual body that was left when I crossed the sky. After finding her, I successfully merged with her and lost my memory at the same time. "

What the director said was almost the same as her gradually awakening memory. Mingyue raised her eyelids and continued, "So I derived myself, and the power of my stars will reach her."

Mingyue pointed at Ah Yue, then put it down, "Director Li covets the power of my stars for the sake of immortality, but everything has its fate, as long as it is a living being, it will die."

"He found out that I am an exception. I will indeed die, but I will be resurrected. He just likes this in me."

"I see, what about her?"

The director glanced back and forth at Ah Yue and Mingyue.

Ah Yue snorted, her eyes full of contempt for the director. Mingyue was like a wise old man in his twilight years, with light-colored pampering rippling in his deep pupils, "She is her, inheriting my power of stars and succeeding me." Location."

Without being grafted onto anyone, she personally raised her, taught her, and protected her through the blank period of inheritance until her death.

"I understand. After all, the Space and Time Bureau is sorry for what happened back then. Although Director Li is dead, I can't let this matter go easily. If you have any instructions, the Space and Time Bureau will do its best to cooperate."

The director laid out a contract. This was the guarantee he could give as a director.

"There really is one."

"You say."

"I hope the 778 will continue to be mothballed."

The director hesitated, "Why?"

"Because it will start in the future."

There was a smile on Mingyue's lips. The spirit body she derived had one flaw. It randomly landed in a world. In order to find the inherited spirit body, she pressed something similar to a tracer on 778.

Therefore, the anomaly in 778 was not affected by Director Li's consciousness, but tampered with by her. Of course, she did not need to explain this to the Director.


ps: Ouke, my family, it’s coming to an end. quq, thank you for watching.

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