Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 309: Overcoming the Heavenly Tribulation

"Yo yo yo, it's been abandoned."

Mingyue spoke harshly.

Director Li wanted to yell at her to shut up, but he was so painful that he lost his voice, and the smell of rust spread throughout his mouth.

"But how could they get away?"

Director Li looked at Mingyue in horror, as if asking with his eyes, what do you want to do?
"Don't be nervous. Since you want power so much, I'll give it to you."

In Director Li's shocked and frightened eyes, Mingyue's body turned into a withered skeleton. The terrifying power contained therein was not something that the link or the thread between the two should withstand.


A huge sound exploded from the laboratory. Director Li's body was as gorgeous as exploding fireworks, and the power of the stars began to scurry around like headless flies.

Some of the escaped white coats sent a message to the headquarters, but before they had time to accept it, a scorching high temperature swept over them, and none of them were burnt to ashes.

When the Space and Time Bureau headquarters arrived, everyone was stunned and froze on the spot, "What on earth is Director Li doing?! He's crazy!"

"Now is not the time to discuss Director Li. Everyone intercepts the power of the stars and must not let it destroy the small world!"


They couldn't even get close to the power of the star power, so they could only try to save the creatures in the small world, but the speed of their rescue could not even keep up with the speed of the star power's destruction.

One world after another disappeared before their eyes. The director took off the shoulder badge and solemnly stated his last words, "As the director, I have this responsibility to sacrifice. All future affairs of the Space and Time Bureau will be handled by Director Zuo."


"Stop talking, you will be the director of the Space-Time Bureau headquarters from now on."

Director Zuo clenched the badge in his hand, with tears in his eyes, but he could only watch helplessly as the director followed the power of the stars and alleviated the collapse of the small world around him.

"Everyone, listen to the order! Start rescue!"


Thousands of figures turned into meteors and flew around the world. Director Zuo wiped away his tears and turned to follow-up work.

This disaster lasted for half a month. Director Zuo barely slept a day. He pinched his eyebrows with a headache and his voice was as hoarse as if he had swallowed sand. "If the power of the stars still cannot be controlled, you can choose another director. I will Go and hold back the power of the stars.”

"Director! The power of the stars has disappeared!"

Someone broke in excitedly.

The director stood up immediately, "Disappeared? What do you mean?"

"It just disappeared suddenly. We checked the surrounding small world to make sure that the power of the stars did not enter the small world."

"Great, the power of the stars has finally dissipated. It seems that it dissipated in the void because it could not be inherited by others."

Various speculations emerged one after another, and the director pondered for a moment, "In that case, let's start repairing the small world. This catastrophe has finally passed. Everyone has been busy for a while. Please have a good time when the time comes!"

Compared to solving the power of the stars, they obviously accepted repairing the small world more, and their gloomy faces finally showed a relaxed smile.

After everyone left, the director looked at the communication information displayed on the optical computer and remained silent. After three seconds, he stood up and left, "Where are the last batch of systems controlled by Director Li?"

"In the T-HOK laboratory."

Director Zuo hummed and went straight to the teleportation. Looking at the rows of sleeping systems, he released his mental power and decisively scanned and checked. Sure enough, Director Li's consciousness was discovered.

Director Zuo wiped away this consciousness in disgust, and actually hid in the system. Could it be that he still wanted to absorb the energy of Qi Yunzi while completing the mission with the host.

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