Chapter 32: Dirty Actress (8)

"Mr. Jiang, it is not a good decision to confront the Ming family..."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Looking at Jiang Shengyan's cold eyes, the secretary calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I'll give the order right now."

To Jiang Shengyan, Mingyue was playing with fire and burning herself. Although she was the helmsman of the Ming family, it was simply stupid to lower her status and become a director in the entertainment industry.

He didn't care about such women before. After all, the Ming family and the Jiang family were not in conflict with each other, but now.

Jiang Shengyan snorted coldly. Since Wen Qianyi had to take the role, he had to see if he agreed.

The whole business world is confused about the fact that Jiang and Ming are competing for each other's cooperation.

One is a giant in the entertainment industry, and the other is a leader in the medical industry. How did the two families start a battle?
Until someone specifically investigated this matter, it turned out that it was because of a woman and an eighteenth-tier young artist.

They all find it unbelievable that Jiang Shengyan is just doing it for a woman, what does Mingyue do for a woman?
Is the bright moon curved?
At the banquet, there was a boss who was very drunk and wanted to hook up with Ming Yue. As a result, his body's instinct to stay away always felt dangerous, so he had to retreat and sit on the table with a mysterious smile, "Don't worry, Mr. Ming, the gift prepared by our Li family will definitely... To your satisfaction.”

Mingyue shook her wine glass and asked casually, "What gift?"

The boss shook his head, smiled mysteriously, burped and muttered, but couldn't make out what he said.

He just lay down on the table. A circle of people were lying down and feeling dizzy. Mingyue Mian finished the whole table of dishes without changing his expression and said, "Find someone to settle them down."

The hotel manager immediately arranged for someone to come over, "Okay, Mr. Ming."

Mingyue left the hotel and returned to the room arranged by Secretary Lin. When she opened the door, she smelled a scent.

She saw a tied and blindfolded woman lying on her bed. Mingyue raised her eyebrows and pulled off the woman's blindfold with her green-white fingertips, "Wen Qianyi, why are you here?"


Wen Qianyi's face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, and his voice was charming and seductive. "Mingdao~I'm so hot~"

"You're sleeping in my bed, so I can only trouble you to go somewhere else."

Mingyue said with a smile and let go of Wen Qianyi's rope.

After being let go, Wen Qianyi just wanted to untie her clothes. It was originally a thin layer of gauze, but Wen Qianyi pulled it and exposed a large area of ​​skin. Her fair skin was so red that it was hot, which showed that the person who had taken the medicine had taken a lot of medicine. fierce.

However, Mingyue didn't feel anything about this fragrant scene. She threw the person into the bathtub with a straight face, put a tank of cold water in, and then went to sleep without caring about Wen Qianyi.

When Mingyue woke up the next day, she saw Wen Qianyi still soaking in the bathtub, her face as pale as paper, "You're not dead, are you?"

Seeing no response, Mingyue stretched out her hand and pushed Wen Qianyi's body. Who knows, Wen Qianyi's body temperature could be fried with eggs.

There was no other way, Mingyue could only pick him up, wrap a towel around Wen Qianyi, and take him to the hospital, where he received a lot of strange looks along the way.

"Why is the fever so serious? It's almost [-] degrees. It would be silly to send anyone off any later!"

The nurse's tone was bad, and her whole body was wet. It looked like she had been soaked in water for a long time. It was almost life-threatening.

Mingyue's face was expressionless and she didn't say a word.

The nurse wanted to say a few more words and swallowed them down in her stomach, "I can't afford to offend you, I can't afford to offend you."

It took Wen Qianyi two days to wake up. When he woke up, his throat felt like he had swallowed sand. It was dry and astringent. He felt like someone was rubbing his throat even when he swallowed.

"Xiaoyi, you finally woke up, you scared mom to death!"

Wen's mother was notified that her daughter was hospitalized. She was so frightened that she didn't see her daughter wake up for two days. Fortunately, God blessed her, and her daughter finally woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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