Chapter 34: Dirty Actress (10)

"You don't have to be afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big. The Jiang family and the Shang family are married and have a very important position in City A. I'm afraid Director Ming doesn't know this because he doesn't come to the company often."

The second shareholder almost threw a big bully at him and swallowed him up as soon as he said it. He treated the two groups as dads and swallowed them up as soon as they saw them.

The others looked at each other, neither agreeing with the second shareholder nor agreeing with Mingyue's point of view.

Mingyue narrowed her eyes and reached out to Secretary Lin, "Bring over the documents I prepared."

"Okay, Director Ming."

The second shareholder looked unfazed. As long as he was here, no matter what the documents were, he would never agree to this proposal even if he jumped from here and died here!
Mingyue handed the document in her hand to the second shareholder with a slight smile on her face, "Let's take a look."

The second shareholder snorted with a cold face and opened the file to save his dignity. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked at it, the more passionate he became.

The speed of the change of attitude made others confused. What document made the second shareholder suddenly change?
The second shareholder closed the document and his eyes turned red with excitement, "Dr. Ming, is this document true?"

"Can it be fake if it's stamped?"

Especially when cooperating with the country, is she the kind of person who can seek death?

"Okay, I understand, and I will fully support Director Ming's cooperation!"

The second shareholder handed the document to Mingyue with both hands. He explained why Yue suddenly came to the company to acquire an entertainment company and form a team.

I didn't expect to be waiting for him here. As for the Jiang family and the Shang family, hahaha, it's nothing. Their company is directly backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

No one can escape the law of true fragrance.

"In this case, please be prepared to fight with the Jiang family and the Shang family at any time."


The two shareholders are full of passion.

other people:……

What the hell?
What kind of document is it that they can't let them know about?

After Mingyue left, the two shareholders cleared their throats and said, "Don't be impatient. The documents are still confidential. Anyway, it is good for the company."

"Confidential documents? Even we can't know, and what kind of documents can allow Ming to confront the two groups?" "Yes, and Jiang Shengyan is young, but he has a ruthless style of doing things. He swallowed up the company as soon as he took over it. There are many small companies.”

"Feasting on Jiang?" The second shareholder was very disdainful, "Is he worthy of working with me, Director Ming?"

Director Ming is playing a high-end game. Who does Jiang Shengyan mean to him? !

"Anyway, just remember to do what you have to do."

Crowd: ...

Secretary Lin followed Ming Yue and reported the upcoming itinerary, "Dr. Ming, there are rumors on the Internet that you are a womanizer, and you are the financial backer behind Wen Qianyi. I suppressed it in time, but there is obviously a pusher behind it, or A little leaked.”

"Who is a womanizer?"

It’s true that she’s a financial sponsor, but is she a womanizer?

"Ming Dong is you."

"This is simply alarmist. Did Jiang Shengyan do it?"

Secretary Lin nodded, "Yes."

"I'm looking for some dirty stuff about some of their artists to be exposed to me."

Then he was staring at her.

Mingyue kept the pen in her hand close to the document, "You have to work hard these two months and look after the company. I'll be filming. If you have anything, come to me on set."

"Okay, Director Ming."

Xiaodi sent her the list yesterday, and she has to go to the site to confirm the venue today.

Because the photo shoot was about ancient costumes, Mingyue went directly to Hengdian. Unexpectedly, the venue was all full. Wang Cheng handed Mingyue a bottle of water, "What should we do now, Mingdao?"

Mingyue took a sip of water, "What is a problem that can be solved with money?"

(End of this chapter)

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