Chapter 42: Dirty Actress (18)

"You are in my hands now. I advise you to beg me. Maybe I will let you go."

Mingyue yawned, with tears in the corners of her eyes. She was so sleepy that she didn't care about the other party's threats, "I told you, you are not qualified."

Mingyue casually pushed the knife away from her neck, "How can you compensate me for doing this?"

Jiang Shengyan laughed angrily. He had invited five people, including six of him. Why was this woman so confident?
"Mingyue, please understand, you are begging me now. Do you think you can escape if you don't beg me?"

The other five people looked fierce, with scar marks on their faces, and their bodies exuded a violent aura.

Most people would panic when they see this posture. Why does this man's expression remain unchanged?

"Okay, let's have a fight and stop talking nonsense."

Mingyue grabbed the knife that was placed on her neck just now, grinning and showing her white teeth, "This knife won't work."


The fine steel knife was forcefully pulled in half by Ming Yue, and then it was crumpled into a ball and placed in his hand, "See? It's too soft."

That's a steel knife! ! !

Customized model! ! !
This girl doesn’t seem to be a good person! ! !

The five people took a step back and looked at Mingyue in horror. Is this Tom the strength a person should have?
This made Jiang Shengyan particularly outstanding. Jiang Shengyan became angry and walked up behind the five people. "Brother Qiang, what do you mean? I hired you, what do you want in return? Give it to me!"

The man who was called Brother Qiang rolled his eyes. If you want to go up, you have to do it with your life. Is the person opposite you someone easy to mess with?Then Tom is clearly a monster!

Mingyue crossed her hands and moved her joints, "You all come together, so that I don't have to deal with them one by one."

Brother Qiang's expression was solemn. This woman was too calm. There was no fluctuation when she looked at people, and she seemed to have no respect for life.

"Another million."

"make a deal!"

Jiang Shengyan was keenly aware of the danger. It was just a little money. He should give this woman a lesson. He had never suffered a loss since he was a child!Mingyue was eager to give it a try, "It seems that we have discussed it, so let's do it."

Brother Qiang and others looked at each other, raised their swords and swung them towards Ming Yue without any mercy.

As a result, the wave was empty, and the person was gone. Brother Qiang's back felt cold and he turned around quickly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he stared at Mingyue in disbelief. How did this person run behind them?


The animal's instinctive reaction made Brother Qiang drop the knife, roar, open the door and run away.

Mingyue's voice sounded faintly, "Why are you running? I haven't gotten paid yet."

There was almost a sound of punches hitting the flesh, and the cabin screamed repeatedly. For a long time, the screams turned into weak moans and groans.

Mingyue sat on the chair, playing with the mask in her hands, looking at the six people wailing on the ground indifferently, "You can leave if you want, 200 million per person."

"Okay, I'll give..."

Jiang Shengyan took out a card and gritted his teeth in pain. If he had known that the other party was so violent, he would never have been so reckless.

"You have 500 million."

"Why!" Jiang Shengyan resisted subconsciously. As soon as he met Mingyue's eyes, his body shook violently, "I know, I'll give it to you."

After Mingyue collected the money, she ignored these people and left directly.

Although Brother Qiang was also in pain, he was just a dawdler and had the experience of resisting beatings. He picked up Jiang Shengyan's collar and said with a fierce look, "Pay me the balance."

"You haven't completed your task, why should I give it to you?"

He was scared of being beaten by Mingyue, not by Brother Qiang, and the relationship was an employment relationship. The other party had not completed the employment task and still wanted his money.

Think beautiful!
(End of this chapter)

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