Chapter 46: Dirty Actress (22)

The director personally hired this gold-medal public relations person, and he was so thirsty that he finalized the matter. The price was not small, but it was cost-effective.

After the gold medal public relations officer understood the cause and effect of the incident, he immediately made a plan. By the way, he found Mingyue and asked for the video of the audition and posted an article.

First of all, it is shown that Wen Qianyi got this role based on his own strength. Secondly, the focus is on the cause of the accident. At the same time, it is not the behavior of book fans, but someone is causing trouble behind the scenes. Let netizens wait for the notification from the police. .

After the public relations release, some court notices followed, and the Ming Group forwarded them one after another. The popularity directly paralyzed Weibo.

[I just said, although I don’t like my favorite books being made into TV series, it’s obvious that Wen Qianyi still has some ability. ]
[Me too, but I still resist. Although this behavior is not a matter for book fans like us, it does not mean that his drama is good. ]
[Guang Hui’s public relations work is pretty good. After reading other articles, I was worried that those of us fans who boycotted the script online would be scolded for intentionally hurting others. ]
[I think it is retribution. It is said that someone is the promoter. Who knows if it is true, and there are not many scripts that have been modified by magic. I just can’t stand "Phoenix Bone" and please take it off the shelves! ]

Despite the uproar on the Internet, Mingyue went straight back to the set, "Take a day off and continue filming tomorrow."

Wen Qianyi felt that he had caused trouble, so he put the thermos bucket in front of Mingyue, "Director Ming, did I get you into trouble this time?"

Following behind was the taciturn Guye, who also carried a bag of snacks and put them away quietly, just looking at the bright moon.

"I don't care about your business, someone is just causing trouble."

"However, I have been suppressed by those two companies before, and I must have caused trouble to the crew."

A trace of pride appeared on Ming Yue's face, she opened the thermos box and ate the ribs inside, smiling and saying, "You're not worthy yet."

Wen Qianyi choked and looked at Mingyue resentfully. Is it really okay to speak so rudely?

"Do you have anything else to do?"

The two shook their heads quickly.

"Okay, let's go down."

The two looked at each other and walked away helplessly. Wen Qianyi comforted Guye, "Don't worry, it'll be fine if Director Ming said it's okay."


"Then you go back and read more of the script. Some parts are still a bit unfamiliar. If you don't understand, ask me!" Guye said, "Yeah."

Wen Qianyi:......

So cold.

"It's okay. I'll leave first. Don't. People who want to be stars in the future must be more enthusiastic!"

Guye silently uttered one word, "Okay."

The corner of Wen Qianyi's mouth twitched. This child was hopeless. No wonder he was a group performer before. Today was so exciting that she didn't have anything to say and waved her hands and left.

Security on the set was even stricter, and it only took three months for "Phoenix Bone" to be officially completed.

Mingyue gave everyone a red envelope, "There will be a wedding banquet tonight, let's eat together."

"Okay~ The filming is finally finished. Director Ming was too strict. Now I have to give Director Ming a good beating."

"Yes, yes, this time we will definitely make Mengdao bleed."

Brother Qiang and others quietly fled the set, secretly deciding to block all orders related to He Mingshi when they returned.

They just want to make extra money, not risk their lives!
There were five tables set up for the closing banquet in the evening, and one of the tables only had one stool. Wang Cheng asked Mingyue in a low voice, "With so many tables, it feels like there aren't many people there, right?"

"You guys sit down, this table is mine."

Mingyue sat at the middle table seriously.

The silence was deafening.

(End of this chapter)

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