Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 5 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (5)

Chapter 5 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (5)

"Okay okay."

The village chief nodded and bowed before sending the person to the entrance of the village.

"Sister Ming, didn't we just go through the motions? Why did you say someone called the police?"

Intern Xiao Lin was puzzled. Originally, they were eating in the town, but Sister Ming suddenly said they wanted to go for a walk in the countryside. But it was a good thing they took this trip, otherwise some young girls would be forced to get married.

Mingyue looked at Xiaolin for paying the money and said, "Isn't this the end of the journey?"

Xiaolin: Are you finished?

Others didn't notice the difference between Chang Yan and Xia Baolin, but she could see it clearly.

Unexpectedly, Brother Chang had already been involved with this bitch Xia Baolin behind her back!
It's all the fault of that policeman just now, he was really meddling in other people's business.

It took Qin Chuchu a while to gather her emotions and walked to Xia Baolin, with a worried look on her face, "Paulin, are you okay? I was scared to death. Fortunately, there were police comrades here just now, otherwise you would have been in trouble."

Xia Baolin frowned and looked at Qin Chuchu with clear black and white eyes. She felt harsh when she heard Qin Chuchu's words, "What's going on with me?"

Chang Yan keenly heard that something was wrong with what his wife said, and his eyes that had been hunting all year round stared sharply at Qin Chuchu, and his heart was full of defense.

This woman is not a good person at first glance. It is clear that there is nothing wrong with the matter between Pauline and Wang Goudan, yet she is still here to mislead others.

You have to tell your wife to stay away from this woman, lest she has any bad intentions.

Qin Chuchu held Xia Baolin's hand with relief, "It's okay, it's just that the police comrades are not here every day, and people are formidable..."

"Qin Zhiqing, if you say such specious things again, I won't be able to hit women!"

No one can even think of slandering his wife!
As the saying goes, be completely wary and look evil, Pauline and this woman belong to the same courtyard.

He had to save money quickly to get his wife back, otherwise it would be too dangerous to stay with such a woman.

"Brother Chang." Xia Baolin grabbed Chang Yan's clothes and signaled him not to be impulsive. She looked at Qin Chuchu coldly, "Qin Zhiqing should be careful when speaking next time. I know the police said that rescuing people is a good thing."

Qin Chuchu bit her lips and smiled awkwardly, "I'm doing this for your own good, Paulin."

"For Xia Zhiqing's sake, why are you saying such specious things?"

As the saying goes, Qin Chuchu's face is as pale as paper when he looks fierce. He looks a bit pitiful.

Wang Goudan didn't want to take the responsibility alone, so he came over and hurriedly said, "Qin Zhiqing, I am here to save people, so please stop saying such things."

We can't let him take the responsibility for such a serious attack on landlords these days!
Being refuted by two men in a row, especially Chang Yan who was standing beside Xia Baolin even in the situation just now, made Qin Chuchu so angry that his ability to manage his expression could hardly be maintained.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, Xia Zhiqing. I said the wrong thing. Don't blame me. I've always been outspoken."

Xia Baolin nodded and didn't pay much attention. She was soaked now and shouldn't stay too long.

As the saying goes, it's not easy to follow. After watching Xia Baolin leave with other educated youths, she turned around and left.

The parties involved had all left, and there was no need for the others to stay. They all picked up their tools and went to work.

Only Qin Chuchu stared at Xia Baolin's back, her eyes were like those of an eagle, filled with terrible venom, and her eyes were full of gloom and indifference.

Brother Chang is hers and can only be hers.

(End of this chapter)

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