Chapter 53: Dirty Actress (29)

Shang Qian's mouth was calm, and he was obviously dissatisfied with the other party's attitude. After all, he was the president of Shang's family.

However, now that we were on someone else's property, Shang Qian gave his secretary a warning look, "Shut up."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shang."

The secretary immediately lowered his head and apologized, which made Shang Qian's expression soften a little.

There was no way Mingyue wouldn't find out what happened to him when he dealt with Wen Qianyi. This time he came to seek peace, not to cause trouble.

Time passed by minute by minute. Shang Qian looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already past two o'clock.

"Mr. Shang, do we want to ask?"

Secretaries have been working with Shang for several years, and they have always had others waiting for them. How can they wait for others?
Shangqian nodded and agreed to the secretary's suggestion.

The secretary received the instruction and came back angrily after walking out. "Secretary Lin said that Director Ming will take a lunch break after dinner. As for when he will wake up, we don't know. Let us wait if we want to, and leave if we don't."

Shang Qian frowned fiercely. He always had the image of a gentleman as gentle as jade. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a trace of anger. It took him a long time to suppress the anger and said, "Keep waiting."

The secretary wanted to persuade Mr. Shang to leave, but seeing Mr. Shang's calm and relaxed look, he could only sit down bitterly.

It's really a group of dogs who look down on people!
After waiting for another two hours, Mingyue finally arrived. She walked to the conference room sleepily, pulled out a chair and sat down, "What are you doing?"

"Director Ming, I think we had a misunderstanding before. It would be nice if we can sort it out, right?"

"Are you saying that you secretly suppressed Wen Qianyi, or that you encouraged the general manager of the Li Group to pack Wen Qianyi up and send him to my bed, or is this a reporter's matter?"

Mingyue said casually, her voice lazily as if she hadn't slept well, "Oh, could it be that you used Jiang's hand to grab Ming's resources?"

Shang Qian didn't expect that the other party even knew this, so his expression became serious and he overturned all the words he had thought of.

"Nothing to say?"

Shang Qian was silent for a moment and looked at Mingyue steadily, "These things are indeed wrong by Shang, but shopping malls are like battlefields, this is just a means."

"So you lose, I'm going to start collecting the loot." Mingyue smiled and showed her small white teeth, looking docile and well-behaved.

Shang Qian:......

He was the winner, so of course he would say the same thing, but now he was the loser, and hearing these words was particularly heartbreaking.

Shang Qian could only lower his head, "Okay, then what do you want and are you willing to let Shang go?"

"100 billion."

Shang Qian frowned, "This money is too big, Shang can't afford it at the moment."

"It's 100 billion to acquire the Shang family." Mingyue said matter-of-factly, "I also plan to acquire the Jiang family. You've made a profit. I only plan to pay [-] billion for the Jiang family."

Shang Qian's face was as black as ink, and he almost couldn't control himself and cursed, you shameless bitch.

Purchasing Shang for 100 billion is simply a dream!
Shang's market value is at least 300 billion. He is so stupid that he sells it so cheaply!

Shang Qian snorted coldly, "It seems that Director Ming doesn't intend to have a serious discussion, so Shang will leave first."

Mingyue leaned on the back of her chair and said slowly without raising her eyes, "You really don't want to consider it? There is no store like this in this village."

"No, the Shang Group is not so mean."

Shang Qian stood up, glanced at Mingyue with cold eyes, turned around and left without mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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