Chapter 62 The dirty actress is finished

Jiang Shengyan struggled, but the struggle was ineffective and he compromised, "I agree."

Secretary Lin smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

The handover ceremony was completed quickly, and Secretary Lin's skill was as cold as the fish-killing knife in Dafa.

The company was gone, and Jiang Shengyan no longer had to work for the company, and he still felt a little lost.

Jiang Shengyan smiled self-deprecatingly and drove back home, so that he could spend time with Ah Wan.

Previously, in order to save the Jiang Group, he sold all the properties under his name, leaving only a house in the city center.

Jiang's parents started from scratch and worked hard, but unfortunately the market was changing rapidly. Jiang's parents had also seen Jiang's situation, but their eyes were blank, and their handling was not as good as Jiang Shengyan's.

I'm used to living in big villas and don't feel crowded. Now that a family is crowded into a small 100-meter-long house, friction is inevitable.

As soon as Jiang Shengyan got home, he saw Shang Wan with a big belly, looking at the small room with depression, "Ah Wan."

"Are you back?" Shang Wan said calmly.

Jiang Shengyan also understood that Awan was a rich young lady, and it was normal for her to be a little squeamish. "I'm sorry Awan, I will take you to develop elsewhere, you trust me."


Shang Wan saw through it that the male protagonist was useless at all, but the female protagonist was useful. Whoever the female protagonist chooses would be the male protagonist.

Jiang's parents didn't want to go through the trouble, and they looked away. They had experienced poverty when they started from scratch. Whether they had a good life or a bad life, they had to find a way to survive.

And the situation now is much better than when we were poor and broke.

Jiang Shengyan respected his parents' choice, left 1000 million, and took Shang Wan to another city. Jiang Shengyan decided to start a company, but this time it was in the catering industry.

Every day was so busy that no one was around. Shang Wan tried to contact Shang's family, saying that he was wrong, but no one could get through to them, and he understood that he had been blocked.

Shang Wan was desperate and felt stomach pains in the middle of the night. Fortunately, Jiang Shengyan came back the moment Shang Wan fainted and was so frightened that he rushed to the hospital.

When Shang Wan entered the emergency room, she was in a very bad condition. During the pregnancy period, her nutrition had not been improved, and she felt sorry for herself every day.

Jiang Shengyan signed the critical illness notice several times with shaking hands. He could only linger outside the operating room with constant prayers.

Mingyue, who was working in the distance, noticed something strange, and the next moment she arrived in the operating room with an expressionless face, but no one could see her in the transparent state.

Mingyue stared at the soul that was about to come out of Shang Wan's body. With an ordinary face, she seemed eager to leave this world and leave.

Mingyue raised her lips cruelly, "What are you going to do if you leave? If you like this world so much, just stay."

She almost broke free from this body, but the next second Shang Wan felt herself being knocked back by an invisible force. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out.

Shang Wan panicked, how could this be allowed?This world has no humanity at all, it is so cruel, and she is not from this world, so why not let her go?She doesn't want to be in this world!
The operation was successful, but the child was undernourished and had to be kept in an insulated room. Jiang Shengyan finally felt relieved and stayed by Shang Wan's side waiting for Shang Wan to wake up.

As the day and night passed, Shang Wan stared blankly at the ceiling. She wouldn't want to stay in this world her whole life, would she?
Jiang Shengyan woke up from the shock and looked at Shang Wan worriedly, "What's wrong, Ah Wan? It's a girl. Don't worry too much. The child is fine in the insulation room."

(End of this chapter)

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