Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 7 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (7)

Chapter 7 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (7)

But that Xia Zhiqing just now was different. Not only was she gentle and gentle, but she was also so beautiful that she looked like an intellectual at first glance.

"Xiao Ming, who was that lesbian just now?"

Mingyue was stunned for three seconds before she realized that 'Xiao Ming' was calling her, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, how do you think I match that lesbian?"

"Are you dreaming in broad daylight?"

Another gay man came up to bring tea and water to Mingyue. He pushed the gay man away and said flatteringly: "Go, go, hey Comrade Mingyue, where are you looking at me?"

Mingyue glanced at the other party lightly, "Drinking instead of eating food?"

Gay men:  …

Yes, this ancestor is angry.

When it comes to this experience, does it count if it comes from being beaten?

Knowing that Mingyue would return to the village to stay permanently, Xia Zhiqing bought a can of malted milk and some biscuits before going back.

"Pauline, where have you been?"

Qin Chuchu stretched his neck and tried to see clearly what was in the other person's arms.

Xia Baolin put her things away calmly and said, "I went to town."

I don’t know when this Qin educated youth became particularly curious about her life after ignoring her love.

A trace of confusion flashed across Xia Baolin's eyes. Is there anything around her that Qin Zhiqing wants?
Seeing the other party's vigilant look, Qin Chuchu couldn't help but feel sour, "Needless to say, I know that it's another good thing that Brother Chang bought you."

Listening to Qin Chuchu's sour tone, Xia Baolin suddenly realized that she was curious about her life because she fell in love with Chang Yan.

However, it is a pity that she is already talking about a partner with Brother Chang. If it hadn't been for what happened yesterday, she might not have settled down for life so quickly.

"No." Qin Chuchu looked worried, obviously not believing it, "Really?"

Xia Baolin said she had no obligation to explain to Qin Chuchu and allowed the other party to misunderstand.

However, Qin Chuchu didn't say anything before, but she said she was afraid of Brother Chang's fierce temperament and bluntly said that she wanted to find a man like Zhang Zhiqing?

Thinking like this, Xia Baolin asked, "Didn't Qin Zhiqing give this mung bean soup to Zhang Zhiqing?"

Zhang Zijun, an educated youth, is indeed good-looking, but he can't lift it with his hands, can't bear it with his shoulders, and has a small, pale face that's worse than a woman.

When Xia Baolin mentioned Zhang Zijun, she looked as disgusted as if she had swallowed a fly. She was married to Zhang Zijun in her previous life.

Nacheng thought that after getting married, she would not only have to take care of Zhang Zijun's daily life, but also help Zhang Zijun earn work points, but the other party was happy to take the college entrance examination.

Unexpectedly, this son of a bitch would never come back after being admitted to college, completely ignoring her and the two children she gave birth to.

So much so that she was extremely envious of Xia Baolin's life. Why did Brother Chang agree to it when Xia Baolin said she didn't want children?

Not only did he agree, but he also took over all the family affairs, and even allowed Xia Baolin to take exams in peace, and only considered having children when both of them were strong enough.

"Who said it was for him! Don't get me wrong, I don't like him."

Qin Chuchu was like a cat whose tail was stepped on and its hair exploded. She didn't want to have anything to do with such an unlucky man in her life, so she hurriedly distanced herself from him, not caring about what he got back.


Even if there is a relationship, it has nothing to do with her, so why run?

After Xia Baolin learned that Mingyue's application had been approved, she followed the village chief to the entrance of the village to greet Mingyue.

"Is it okay for Comrade Mingyue to live with Xia Zhiqing and the others?"

(End of this chapter)

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