Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 72 The Alluring Imperial Master (7)

Chapter 72 The Alluring Imperial Master (7)

The person dancing with the sword in one hand was dazzled. Before the bandit could see where the person was, the cold sword cut his throat directly.

Ji Yongan gasped, the hand holding Hongying's spear trembling slightly, and did not see Li Er's figure, "Sir, Li Er is gone."

"Yes." Mingyue looked at Ji Yongan calmly, "Can you still move?"

Ji Yongan nodded fiercely, smiled wantonly and frivolously, and looked at Mingyue with a faint admiration, "This is amazing, I just didn't expect that your swordsmanship is so powerful."

"Just wait here, they will come down."

After killing so many people, and she deliberately asked Li Er to leave to complain, there was no way that Li Daqiang would just let it go.

Ji Yongan sat on the ground without any scruples, with the trees on his back. He was dirty all over his body, which was in sharp contrast to the clean and dusty Mingyue standing aside.

After resting for half an hour, the stones on the ground trembled slightly. Ji Yongan stood up with a solemn expression, holding his spear and preparing for battle.

"Who killed more than thirty of my brothers?"

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

The rough voice was transmitted with internal force, causing the surrounding trees to shake off their leaves.

I didn't expect that a bandit leader would have internal power, so this matter was difficult to handle.

Ji Yongan's heart became heavier and he subconsciously looked at Mingyue. Seeing that Mingyue's eyes didn't change even a bit, he felt slightly relieved as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Li Er didn't look flattering at all when he appeared. He pointed at Mingyue and shouted loudly, "She is the king! These two people have killed many of the king's brothers! They also said that the two of them will suppress the bandits!"

Li Daqiang, a strong man, looked in the direction Li Er pointed, panting like an ox and glaring, "You are the one who killed Li San and the others?"

Mingyue, "Yes."

Li Daqiang narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Okay, okay, since you admit it, don't blame me for being rude, brothers! Kill the man, break the woman's legs and feet, go back and reward your brothers!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"The king is mighty! The king is wise!"

"Catch this woman and present it to the king!"

Almost no one took Ji Yongan, a bloody man, seriously, let alone Mingyue, a weak woman.

Li Daqiang watched as his brothers rushed forward one by one, with a smile of determination on their rough faces.

Mingyue's eyes moved slightly, her body was as light as a swallow, and she stopped one bandit after another.

Ji Yongan didn't have the chance to make a move even if he wanted to. Before anyone could get close to him, he was killed by Mingyue with a knife.

Ji Yongan smacked his lips, feeling helpless as he was forced to eat soft food.

Li Daqiang's expression also became solemn, and he grabbed Li Er's collar and raised it to him, "You said there were only two of us, why didn't you say that this girl's martial arts are so high?"

"I, I, I don't know, Your Majesty!"

He only knew that Mingyue's head-cutting was the same as cutting a melon. He had already run away when Mingyue took action. Who knew Mingyue was so durable?

"Go away!"

Li Daqiang threw Li Er away, holding a big sword with a fierce look in his eyes. He flew in front of Mingyue with a sudden movement of luck, splashing dust all over the ground, and his eyes seemed to spit out fire, "You little bitch, I'll give you the door." If you don’t leave, you’d be happy to break through the gate of hell!”

Seeing Li Daqiang take action, Ji Yongan walked to Mingyue with a spear in hand and stared at Li Daqiang warily, "Master Imperial Master, shall we come together?"

Mingyue glanced at Ji Yongan lightly, "Are you okay?"

Ji Yongan's face turned dark, "A man can't say no!" What misconception gave adults that he was weak and incompetent?

(End of this chapter)

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