Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 76 The Alluring Imperial Master (11)

Chapter 76 The Alluring Imperial Master (11)

Chen Yao nodded, "Yes."

"I didn't ask you, ask her."

Chen Yao looked at Shen Yu in surprise, did he want this girl Shen Yu to be the cook?

Shen Yu's big, moist eyes were ignorant, and she nodded obediently.

Although she was the legitimate daughter of the Shen family, she was mute. Her mother died when she was only eight years old, so her father helped straighten the concubine.

She knew that she was not favored at home, so she stayed peacefully in her small yard. The government deducted her food expenses, so she grew her own vegetables to be self-sufficient.

She could barely survive until her 14th birthday yesterday. She wanted to go see her mother, but on the way back she was snatched away by bandits.

"Okay, you can follow me from now on."

Mingyue asked Xiaoyun to take them down, sign the slave status and then send them back.

The departure was originally scheduled for three days, but was postponed for two more days. The other girls were escorted out of the city, and Shen Yu was arranged to study behind the imperial chef.

Li Er prayed to the God of Death to leave quickly every day, and worried about whether his head was still there every day. After learning that Mingyue and his party set off, he finally felt relieved.

The remaining bandit leaders also became active. As long as they have this terrain, they can still return to their old ways!

Just as he was about to go to the village to gather a few younger brothers to return to the mountain, he found a large wave of officers and soldiers. They were arrested before they could run away, and they were beheaded that day and the money-grubbing Master Chen and his family.

Mingyue was sitting in the carriage drawing drawings, while Xiaoyun and Chen Yao were sitting outside the carriage talking about various rules and interesting things.

Shen Yu looked at Mingyue's drawings intently. Mingyue couldn't ignore this passionate look, "Want to learn?"

Shen Yu nodded.

Mingyue knocked on the inkstone and said, "Grind the ink carefully. I will teach you when I go to Huaizhou." Shen Yu obediently polished the ink, smiling with crooked eyebrows and a pair of cute little pear dimples.

After three days of traveling, they arrived at the disaster relief city. Du Wei Zhang Wen personally waited at the city gate to greet Mingyue, "Master Imperial Master, you are finally here."

Just entering the city gate, refugees begging can be seen everywhere in the city. Zhang Wen is worried about the people. He is skinny and wears an official uniform that has been washed white and has patches in some places.

He almost had the word "poverty" engraved on his forehead.

Mingyue withdrew her gaze and asked, "How many refugees are there in the city?"

Zhang Wen frowned and thought, "We counted more than a thousand people last week. Recently, people are moving around the city and outside the city... I will arrange for someone to do a count later."

"Yeah." Mingyue didn't say much. The group returned to the city lord's mansion. Along the way, many refugees came over and tried to grab food. Ji Yongan had someone stop them.

Before I even stepped into the threshold of the City Lord's Mansion, I felt like the plaque on it was crumbling and might fall at any time.

Mingyue looked at Zhang Wen calmly, "Zhang Duwei is worried about the people, at least he should pay attention to his image."

Zhang Wen looked embarrassed, "Yes, yes."

When they arrived at the hall, Zhang Wen led Mingyue to sit on the table and personally gave Mingyue a cup of tea, "Old tea may not taste good, please be patient."

Mingyue chuckled lightly, picked up the tea cup, held it in her hand, looked at it for a few times and then put it down, "It's okay, Zhang Duwei, let's continue talking about disaster relief."

"Yes, the supplies brought by your Excellency have really solved our urgent need in Huaizhou. I will arrange the distribution of supplies immediately so that I will never let you worry."

Mingyue raised her hand to interrupt Zhang Wen, "I will personally arrange the supplies this time. The purpose of the emperor asking me to come is actually to build a project from the Mo River to Huaizhou."

Zhang Wen was taken aback, and his frown deepened, "But there are mostly old, weak, women and children in the city. The remaining refugees rely on the relief porridge distributed by the city lord's government every day. If we use labor to build projects, I am afraid it will arouse public outrage."

(End of this chapter)

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