Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 85 The Alluring Imperial Master (20)

Chapter 85 The Alluring Imperial Master (20)

They thought they had been abandoned by the court, and they had to bear a huge food tax, and withheld their rations little by little and handed them over to the city lord's palace who ate human blood steamed buns!

Now, someone told them that the imperial court had not given up on them, and that the emperor cared about the people, so he sent the Imperial Preceptor!
Someone advised the old doctor not to take Joe. This group of people was not the same group as the group just now.

The old doctor pursed his lips and snorted, but did not say any words to reprimand him.

After this experience, Ji Yongan went very smoothly to ask doctors from other medical clinics. The people in the city also escorted him all the way to the City Lord's Mansion, but it was Ji Yongan who stopped him to avoid the risk of the City Lord's Mansion being destroyed.

Zhang Wen hurried over and saw Ji Yongan personally serving people tea and water. When he learned that Ji Yongan personally led a team to ask for a doctor, he knew something was wrong and had the boy silenced.

"General Ji, what is this?"

Ji Yong'an is a military commander, and he doesn't know how to speak like a civil servant. His straightforward temperament makes him choke to death. "I have to ask Zhang Duwei why he violated the orders of the Imperial Master!"

Zhang Wen said he was wronged, "General Ji, how dare I do such a thing? The boy who sent the message misunderstood me!"

Zhang Wen had someone carry the boy's body up, and he spoke earnestly and sincerely, "I have already punished the boy, and I hope that General Ji will not get angry again."

Ji Yongan checked the boy's pulse and looked very ugly, "You are killing people and silencing them. Who can you show it to?"

Zhang Wen was innocent, "It's not what General Ji thought. I punished this rebellious boy out of anger."

"Okay, General Ji, please carry the body down."

A cold voice came in like a gust of wind.

Ji Yongan clasped his hands and saluted, "Master National Preceptor."

Zhang Wen also followed suit and saluted.

The doctors in the hall, led by the old doctor, all compiled, "Common people, please see the Master."

"Don't be too polite."

Mingyue had a kind face and waved everyone to sit down. She raised her hand and poured herself a cup of tea. "Old sir, I heard that the guards in the city lord's palace were very considerate. This cup of tea is my apology to you." The old doctor said, "Oh! With a voice, being treated like this by such a respected official, the depression in my heart dissipated, "The kindness of your Majesty the Imperial Master is the blessing of the people."

It would be good if some officials did not say they apologized, but did not oppress the people.

"The emperor is kind-hearted, otherwise, how could I come here."

"Yes, the emperor of the Darong Dynasty is a wise king, which is a blessing for our country!"

Mingyue smiled lightly, "Mr., I will trouble you and the other gentlemen present for this free clinic in three days. I will personally deliver the certificate deposits after the free clinic to all medical clinics."

"Really? That's not a small expense."

You must know that there are 30 people in the city. Minor illnesses are fine, but serious illnesses require a large amount of medicine.

"of course."

Mingyue took out the token and gave it to the old gentleman, "This is the jade pendant of the Imperial Preceptor's Office. If your certificates are not received in three days, I will ask myself to leave."

The old gentleman was like taking a hot potato and said, "This, this... is inappropriate. Your Majesty the National Preceptor cares about the world and is a great benefactor. How can you not believe it?"

"It's okay, old gentleman, just keep it."

After explaining everything, the old gentleman accepted the jade pendant. Zhang Wen silently hid in the corner to reduce his presence, waiting for these people to finish chatting with Mingyue and leave before asking for forgiveness.

"Master Imperial Master, I was wronged in this matter. It's all my fault for not keeping an eye on the young man."

After talking for a long time, her mouth was dry. Mingyue took a sip of tea and said lazily: "I have only been in Huaizhou for less than three days. How many crimes has Zhang Duwei already asked himself to do?"

Zhang Wen pursed his lips. He really couldn't understand the master's thoughts now. If he said too much, he would be wrong, so he simply shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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