Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 94 The Alluring Imperial Master (29)

Chapter 94 The Alluring Imperial Master (29)

Her biggest trump card is the bracelet space!

Broken! !
Su Linglong was so heartbroken that her eyes went black. She got off the horse, picked up the fragments of the bracelet, and tried to fight. She even went crazy and cut her wrists to draw blood.

Xiaoyun looked at her and kept tutting her lips, why is such a good princess so crazy?

"Sir, what's going on, Your Highness? Do you want to call the imperial doctor?"

Mingyue smiled back and said, "If you get mad, it won't bother you."


If adults say it's okay, then it's okay.

Xiaoyun asked the groom to take a detour and continue walking.

Su Linglong stopped the carriage with her body, staring at Mingyue with hatred, "What's your name?"

So what if there is no space?
As long as she wants to, she will take out the blueprints to make a batch of guns, and then she will definitely kill this bitch with her own hands!
"Step over."

Without the support of space, Su Linglong could not change the world.

Did Su Linglong really ascend in the plot?

Mingyue played with the jade beads in her hand that were restless and trying to escape. Coveting for the vitality of the world, she came up with a secret book for ascension.

Ascension?It's just a little trick of space to deceive people. I'm afraid that the souls of the group of heaven's pride brought by Su Linglong will not be swallowed at all.

If Heaven had not urgently locked the world to prevent this space from escaping, the world would have been completely ruined, and there would be no need to eliminate the pseudo-protagonist.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Su Linglong could only turn sideways and watch Mingyue leave.

The meeting with the Holy One was just to report the matter of Huaizhou. The Holy One was so happy that he rewarded him with a bunch of rare treasures and decided to hold a dust-cleansing banquet!Mingyue's eyes lit up and she said with a pleasant expression, "Your Majesty is wise!"

Back at the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, Mingyue placed the jade beads in the water tank in the main hall. The black and white cuttlefish bit the jade beads into pieces, and wisps of black hair floated out of the water tank, flying in the air, and finally disappeared.

One of the strands of black hair flew intimately to Mingyue's body, and Mingyue's white hair turned black visibly to the naked eye.

"National Master...your hair, sir?"

When Xiaocui learned that the Imperial Master was back, she came in with a plate of washed fruits. She didn't expect that Ming Yue, who had white hair, suddenly turned into black hair.
Mingyue looked at the fruit plate in Xiao Cui's hand, "Do you have a problem with me?"

Xiaocui withdrew her surprised gaze, raised her hands and offered the fruit plate, "Master Imperial Master, I would like to serve you by your side."

"You came to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion just for leisure, why do you need to do unnecessary things to add trouble?"

Xiao Cui was hit in the head by these words. She raised her head and met Mingyue's calm eyes. Xiao Cui suddenly woke up. This was Mingyue's warning to her. Xiao Cui quickly bowed her head and knelt down, not daring to have other thoughts, "Yes... …”

The problem of space has been solved, and the bright moon days have become leisurely. I lie on the chaise longue and eat seasonal fruits leisurely every day.

Shen Yu's pronunciation became more and more standard, and she read the storybook in a sweet voice while holding the book, "The handsome scholar was so excited by the charming widow in the village that he couldn't read any books."

"Every day when it gets dark, the scholar lights a candle. There is a knock on the door. The scholar is excited. He opens the door and sees the widow who has been thinking about her day and night."

"'Axiang, you are finally willing to see me!' The scholar looked at the widow's watery eyes and his mouth went dry for an instant."

"'Mr. Sir, I am a widow, but your husband is a scholar. I don't want to delay your husband.' The widow pushed the scholar gently, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and the hooked scholar felt unbearable."

"The scholar tyrannically blocked the widow's mouth and said viciously, 'I don't allow you to say that, don't you understand my heart?' The scholar said and pushed the widow to the bed, and the bed curtain fell..."

(End of this chapter)

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